Chapter 7: Face Off. Road to the End - Part 1

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Yus' PoV

I ran out of the place we were staying at to look at the city, if it wasn't a ruined city before then now it was with the amount of magic and bullets shot to the air

End:"This isn't good..." Spoke up End agreeing with my thoughts

Yus:"A cookie eater can't get even a nap nowadays!" With my words i dashed towards the commotion, going to see where the others are at

Kazuki:"Yusuru, do you copy? Oka and Aoi are fending off the opposing battlefront all they can" Said Kazuki in my head to let me know what was going on

Yus:"What about Spooky?"

Kazuki:"Spooky is fighting to protect this terrain on the other side of the battlefield and Mazoku-" Before he could continue, an explosion took place as a familiar figure hidden in the shadows of the night landed at some meters infront of me

Dusk:"Bad news Yusuru-san, it's Diablo, and he's not alone" As he said that some of the members from the Crimson Meteors came from behind the figure, whose eyes shone in a red glow

Yus:"An army and Diablo? Don't joke with me..."

Dusk:"I got this, Yusuru-san"

Dark clones emerged from the ground, all wielding different weapons and shapes as if they had armors on them, standing at my sides in equal numbers to the enemies

Yus:"Dusk you're the best" I exclaimed outloud

Diablo:"Finish the army, he is mine" We got to hear his voice as he approached. His companions didn't think twice before rushing to the clones Mazoku had made

I began walking to Diablo in response, getting the clones to also rush into battle and fight Diablo's army. We stopped walking after reaching some distance, staring at each other as the moonlight bathed us and our figures making it seem the scene of a ninja movie

Diablo:"How's that curse in your arm doing?" He smugly said, placing a hand on his waist and the other extending it to one side

Yus:"I wont miss it after you're done for" I responded pointing my sword to him, the blade letting the moon's reflection shine on it

Diablo:"Such confidence for you, unfortunately i trained my magic a whole day, if i was you i'd accept my fate already" A magic circle appeared in his hand, charging energy in it

Yus:"You're not the only one who learnt new tricks, Diablo"

Diablo:"DARKNESS HEED!" Shouted Diablo as the magic circle in his hand threw a dark blast

Yus:"JUDGEMENT DISK!" I countered by slashing forward with my sword throwing a disk of light towards the blast, to his surprise the disk cut straight through the blast and flew to him, however Diablo was fast enough to dodge it to the side

After his dodge we jumped towards each other, Diablo was using his fists in a dark energy as i countered by blocking with my sword not daring to get hit, fortunately for me i could hold the sword firmly now

Dusk:"His fists aren't cursed, he's powering the strength of each blow with black fire" Said Dusk to put me at ease

Yus:"Without my dominant arm to do this it's gonna be a pain, but i'll try what i can!" I parried a last punch of his part, stunning him for enough time to do a roundhouse kick to his face and toss him away

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