Chapter 1: Colliding Realities. From Another Land

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Ft. C0d309


Yus' PoV

We were once again traveling in the weird dimension from before, walking towards our destination with me and Aoi leading the way

End:"Now or never" Said End in my head, reminding me of the purpose to call her here

Yus: I know i know, it takes a few days to remember what i said in the last chapter "So, Aoi" I said to drag her attention, getting her to look at me


Yus:"Where did you go to when Kugawa attacked? Weren't you with him?"

She giggled in a low tone before turning to me

Aoi:"Ah i got lost in the city, it was so big i couldn't see where everything was"

I had my doubts over it, however i couldn't really question it as she hadn't left the base before

Oka:"Hey hey, are you two a couple? Why are you so up ahead?" Asked Oka bursting into the conversation

Yus:"Ah no no, we're just really close friends, i helped her back in the Faction of Faith"

Aoi gave a slight nod

Oka:"Aww, thought something was up"

Kaza:"Which is why i never leave you alone with another boy and a girl, Oka..." Said Kaza from behind facepalming


Kaza went up ahead of them, turning to me with a curious look on her eyes

Kaza:"Say, how did you do that?"

Yus:"Do what?"

Kaza:"You know, the healing thing? You basically revived me back there..."

Her question brought a halt to my walking, stopping on my tracks while my eyes kept immobile looking at the front

Yus:"...lets say a miracle doctor never reveals his tricks" With that answer i resumed walking, only earning a shrug from her part

End:"We're not telling them are we?" Wondered the dual colored katana that always was at my side

Yus: When the time comes...

Yoshika:"Focus is in need you all, the next Faction is up ahead" Got our attention Yoshika speaking through the HQ

And she indeed was right, before us were the many gates that lead to the Factions of every Pillar. Mazoku's and Yoshika's were open while another that was slightly darker was slowly breaking from the inside to open as well, letting us see another Faction inside

Kaza:"This Faction seems...familiar somehow..." Said Kaza bringing a hand to her chin

Mazoku:"That Faction is our brother Arahashi's Faction, the Pillar of Reality and Fiction" Spoke up Mazoku as well, apparently he had gone to the HQ too

Yus:"Reality and Fiction huh, this will be weird..."

Dusk:"Attention up ahead" Dragged our attention Dusk for the others to talk

Yoshika:"The dimensions seem slightly altered here, i feel a familiar aura..."

We turned again to see the Faction, looking inside as some kind of barrier appeared on the gate to said Faction rejecting our entrance

Oka:"What was-"

Yuika:"No way, it can't be her..."

Spooky:"Don't tell me, she concealed the Faction!?"

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