Chapter 11: Old Bonds. Forgotten Memories

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Yus PoV

We were standing infront of each other, holding our weapons in our hands as we stared at each other, her having a piercing, menacing glare while i had a worried look. Thinking of my options, i threw End to the ground and sighed

Yus:"'s me, Yusuru, do you remember me?" I asked in hopes to get a positive response out of her

Yoshika:"I do not know you, now do us both a favor and jump off the edge of the damned platform" She answered with a cold voice, one i had never heard from Nori

Yus:"This isn't like you! Don't you remember me!? I'm your co-worker, Yusuru Kai-!"

Before i could finish my sentence, a spear flew right past my head grazing it by a centimeter. The spear blew up behind me afterwards, destroying whatever was left of the platform behind me to make me realize the amount of power i was dealing with

Yoshika:"Don't call me Nori ever again, my name is Yoshika, i am the Pillar of Faith...anyone that isn't a believer will fall to their knees with one blow..."

Yus: It's no use, she doesn't remember me...will i be forced to fight and defeat her? I don't want to hurt her!

End:"Hard choices require the strongest wills, wielder" Spoke up End in my mind

Yus: I can't...she's my childhood friend, i can't hurt her

End:"You wont kill her, the one infront of us isn't 'Nori' anymore, you're dealing with the average corrupted Pillar of matter what you do, she wont return back with just words"

I clicked my tongue. I said i'd free her, even fought against many enemies just to get here...the truth is, i'm not confident in any of my skills, specially against her

Yus: She's in there somewhere...i know it "Nori please, come back...if you don't i wont have a choice but to eat all your cookies you know?" I tried to joke with her with something she knew really well of me, her face didn't change

Yoshika:"Your effortless attempts to talk this out are a waste of my time, mind you, disappear from this timeline this very instant..." She pointed her spear at me, not wishing to talk this out

Yus:"I refuse to fight you, you're my childhood friend! We always shared snacks and cookies overall!"

Her expression seemed startled for a second, however she shook it off and growled

Yoshika:"This is your last chance, jump off the edge or i'll kill you myself" She threatened with a serious voice

Yus:"I'm not leaving you like this...i could save every single one of our patients, nothing stops me from saving you!"

Yoshika:"ENOUGH!" With a shout, the land trembled and made me lose balance for a moment, staying on my feet whatsoever

The next second everything stopped shaking, she dashed towards me with her spear engulfed in corrupted energy. End flew right back to my hand as i used it to deflect the spear making it shoot out the corrupted energy stored inside it

Yus:"Stop this! Lets go home and prepare for another day of work! We loved our job remember!?" I talked-shouted to her as we were in our weapon clash

Yoshika:"DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE YOU KNEW ME!" In a swift move, she kicked my gut and threw me to a boulder right at the edge of the platform, falling to the ground after

As i got up again with minor injuries, she was slowly approaching us as her spear was being charged up in energy

End:"Corruption is a hard thing to deal with, specially against Yoshika, she's known for dragging the power of faith from everyone in every Faction no matter which and using it for power, which means..."

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