Chapter 2: Introduction to the Battlefront

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Yus' PoV

Yus: "I've noticed something ever since i got up..." I spoke to the girl sitting besides me, she had her eyes closed as if thinking of something but clearly able to hear me

I was led by P-Cyte to the room i woke in before, night had fallen already and left the outside in darkness, but instead of leaving to let me sleep she said she'd stay with me for a while longer for a reason she never specified

Cyte: "What might it be, my Pillar?" She asked in a curious neutral tone, but at least caring enough to want to hear me

Yus: "I remember i woke up with this arm hurting a lot, and i almost couldn't move it..." I lifted my right arm with noticeable struggle and pain, same arm that this Light person hit while we fought in the Faction of Waves " fact i still find it hard to, even if it was fine a moment ago"

Cyte: "You wish to ask me of it's condition, is that correct?" She figured it out with only my words, not opening her eyes even after asking

Yus: "Well, yeah...did something happen to it?"

Instead of answering, she turned to me and held my arm with strength dragging it close to her so she could see it closely

Yus: "H-hey watch it! It still hurts you know!" And as expected, her forceful act made my arm start hurting a lot

Cyte: "...throughout scan completed" Cyte letted go of my arm and sat straight again, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them with a sigh of relief "It would seem your arm's doing a lot better since i brought you here, that's a relief"

Yus: "Huh?"

Cyte: "When i brought you here i personally healed your arm, fortunately it wasn't too hard to fix and you should be able to move it just fine in two days' time" I looked down to my arm and held it up with my other hand, looking at a scar that went from my wrist into my sleeves

Yus: "What...happened, exactly?"

Cyte: "Your arm's bone was cut open all the way from your wrist to your shoulder with a divine Essence...that shouldn't have done too much damage on a Pillar though, did your arm suffer a direct Essence hit that engulfed it before that day?"

With her words i recalled everything that has happened up until this point, from my meeting with my friends to how i traveled through the Factions, and ultimately, the fights with the Pillars

Yus: "...yes, i used an attack that engulfed my arm in Essence to fight Sora"

Cyte: "I see..." She closed her eyes again and looked down, facing forward with a pensive expression to then speak up "My Pillar, you are forbidden from using that skill"

Yus: "What-? Why?" This girl's judgement was confusing me the more she spoke, i couldn't make up anything from her words

Cyte: "Overloading any part of yourself with Essence is a bad idea, at that moment your arm should've gotten fractured and, furthermore, destroyed, but instead it would seem your arm suffered minimal damage and only softened completely until it's endurance became the same of a weakened human, as your Guardian, i prohibit you from using it"

Now that her words began making sense, i understood what she meant and knew what i had to do, for that being my strongest skill and not being able to use it was a sudden surprise

Yus: So it would seem, she is come i didn't see it before?

Cyte: "Now, i humbly ask of you to get some rest, tomorrow is another-"

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