Chapter 3: Operation Pillar Retrieval

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Yus' PoV

A dark void was present upon me, no single soul in sight nor a small hint of life ever being there at all, just my own presence and voice that filled the borderless space that i wandered across with no memory of how i got there

Yus: Am i dreaming..? Last thing i remember is me going to sleep...what is this place?

I wondered in my mind glancing around the dark area trying to recall what i know to hopefully find an answer to this space

???: "Surprised? I would be too" A familiar voice said making me stop and turn around to the source of the voice

Upon turning i saw who had spoken up a moment ago, seeing the figure of a guy of my size with a black and white combination of color in clothes along a black scarf that swayed in the air as if wind was moving it, looking away with his back to me...what drew my attention the most was the two horns on his head and the unusual black and white tone of his hair

Yus: "Who are you? Why did you bring me here?" I said not missing a second to try to pull out my sword, not materializing a thing despite so

???: "Don't even try it"

Yus: "Tch..."

Knowing i had no other choice, i relaxed my posture and saw him turning around to face me, his body was covered by a shade that barely let me recognize it completely, but i could make up a white and black glow on both of his eyes that gave away a menacing aura

???: "I felt the need to congratulate you, four Factions freed and going for the fifth one...Corruption's been trying to take over you for a while"

Yus: "How do you..?" It surprised me that he knew so much about me for the first time we ever met, at least as far as i knew

???: "But you don't let it regardless...your body is something else, while it cannot produce it's own Essence it's still able to drag it out, what a wonder to witness...truly magnificent" The guy chuckled with his hand on his mouth, raising an eyebrow and smiling in a neutral manner

Yus: "Stop avoiding the questions! Where am i? What am i here for?"

???: "Ah, my sincere apologies, Yusuru" As if he was about to answer my questions, he cleared his throat and looked at me into my eyes "This here is your mind, an empty reality i made only to speak with you for a brief moment, it was the smallest thing i could do with the Corruption on your body so i could talk without affecting your mind"

Yus: "What..?" He only managed to confuse me more than i already was, tilting my head to the side as i tried to understand what he meant

???: "Nevermind the details...i simply wish to let you know, this Faction will not be friendly, there is an unpleasant secret you must know of some of your companions that relate to the one taking over this Faction in the Pillar's absence"

Yus: "Why are you helping..? Who are you?" I shot the question to the air, earning another chuckle from his part as he turned away to begin walking off

???: "I said all i had to, do not get overconfident or i might grow bored, we'll meet soon again...after all, you and me both are closer than you think we are" He brought a finger to his lips in a motion to signal me to stay shut

Yus: "Wait-!"

I tried to call out to him wanting more answers to my questions, however all i got was my sight getting blurry as the "dream" finished and brought me back to reality, my vision fading to white and a voice calling out to me...

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