When You Go Would You Have the Guts To Say..

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That night me and Gerard went back to the rehab. All I can say it was amazing,I'm falling hard for this man. Its Thursday morning i just want to be in his arms. I get up to go see him in his room. I knock at the door but no one answered,so I opened the door. Empty. I wonder around his room and see a black notebook,like mine. I pick it up and open it Oh snaps its his journal.We all have one in this place. I know its wrong to read this but I cant help it.

I read most of the book and i couldn't believe it he used me. I felt mixed emotions of sadness,anger,just disappointed. How can I be so fucking stupid!?! Tears started to run down my cheeks. I hared the door open and a loud sigh.I pick up my head. "Cassie!" Gerard yells

I get up. "So I was just some game to you? I cant believe i was so stupid to fall for it! I Loved you Gerard! I gave you my fucking virginity!" I screamed 

"Cassise let me ex-" Gerard tried to speak

"Tell me you don't love me,Say it now in my face!" I was very pissed

" I- I-- I don't lo- love you." He studder

I slapped him across the face with the book "You Gerard Way your ugh....I never want to see you again" With that I ran out the room,not going to the garden. There was no one to talk to right now. I went to my room and took out my blade i guess you can know what happened next. The whole day i wrote a little poem about everything.

"When you go would you have the guts to say,I dont love you like i did yesterday?" I love to write its better then cutting i guess. I folded the paper. I cant keep this, I want to get out of here for good. I walked to the front desk to use the phone,when I saw Mikey yes. The Mikey Way standing there signing papers. I went up to him " Hi your Mikey huge fan.Would you give this to Gerard?" I say handing him the folded paper.

He gave me a confuse look "Ughh yeah sure. Have a good day!" and walked away. I rolled my eyes yeah good day. I used the phone to call my mom. I told her to come and pick me up. To see if they will let me leave this place.

Right after i hung up i saw Gerard leaving with bags. I hind my face so he wont see me. He got in a car and they were off. My mom came in threw the door with her big belly. My soon to be brother was in there.She came in and talk to the people to let me out. Ive been showing positive changes so they let me leave.

"Go pack your bags,your getting out of here!" She sticks up her thumbs I gave that funny look. I left to go pack,and to say bye to Sarah and Anne.While in the car I was thinking what im going to do with my life now? Im going to need to help my mom and the baby.

"Honey please take the wheel.My water just broke."My mom said staying calm.

"WHAT?! Get in the back seat now!" she did and i went on the drivers chair and drove fast to the hospital.When we got there i garbed a wheelchair and started to scream "Pregnant women over here!!!" the nurses to make mom took her to a room. I signed in some papers.Went to my moms to see how she was doing.

The doctor came out " Great your here! put this on,your mother is ready to have this baby." He said and went back to the room. I walked to the bathroom and changed.When I enter in the room my mom was on the bed in pain. I walk over to her holding her hand.

"Cassise I love you and this baby very much. The best things that have happened to me. Your a wonderful girl and don't let anyone tell you your not. Fellow your dreams. Love my son like he was yours.Reamer me and your father." My mom started to push. I thought why did she say that shes not going to die.

"I Love you mom and Thank you for everything." She gave me a smile and pushed.You can hear the babies cries full the room. The doctor told me to cut the cord and I did. They wrap up my my brother and gave him to my mom.She held on to him tight,and kissed him on the head.

"His name is Bruce,dad always like that name" She smiled weaky at me. She gave me Bruce "I love you both so much."and then she closed her eyes.She was gone.

I started to sob and look down at Bruce "I will never lose you."

(Gerard's P.O.V)

She read everything! I feel like such a jackass! After that night i was starting to fall for her. I need to talk to her,what i'm I going to do now? Oh yeah go on tour and forget about her. I can do that, it will be hard but i can do that.

Not Much of a Romance(GerardWay/MCR Fanfic)NEEDTOEDIT!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن