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FEBRUARY 24 1995 (8:30pm)


just like any other british high school party from a scene in skins (for reference) was exactly happening in Michelle's flat as they celebrated her 23rd.

whats a party without the loud music that you can't even hear your own thoughts, the smell of piss, alcohol, sex and weed, and the ever most important for this kind of party, the cake that was now smashed to Michelle's face, Finley laughing her arse off with Liam holding her hands as he wiped some frosting off Michelle's face and licked it, "Thats some good cake, Finley."

"Baked it with love." Finley grinned, raising her left left as she kissed his cheeks. "Ew not in my birthday party! get a room you twatters." Michelle sneered playfully.

Kitty cheered as she opened a bottle of vodka, pouring some shots for Oasis's drummer and guitar boys.

There were a few bands other than Oasis and JULY invited to the party, like Elastica and surprisingly, Spice Girls. Not Blur though, Noel would've gone off.  A few of non-famous friends of the band had joined them to celebrate Michelle.

"Looking lovely, Finnie!" Matthew yelled, his arms around Amelia, his sister. "fancy seeing you here, Matt." Finley waved at the two.

Matthew and Amelia were Finley's and Michelle's friends since kindergarten.

"How was the trip to London?" Finley grinned, "Gert lush." Amelia answered, her voice higher than the last time they've talked which was 4 years. "This yer fella, Fin?" She pointed to Liam.

"Liam Gallagher?" Amelia gasped. Finley just chuckled. Liam gave a forced friendly smile at the two, already getting heated as he noticed Matthew eyeing Finley in a way he doesn't like.

"We'll go get some cake. It was nice seeing you again, Matt, 'Melia." Finley smiled, tugging Liam away as he noticed his glare at Matthew.

When they were far off from the siblings, by the snacks table with various crisps and biscuits and alcohol from wine bottles to vodka and heineken, Finley laughed at Liams furrowed uni-brow. "Alright?" she asked.

"Have you seen the way he looked at you, like your a fucking rabbit and he's a wolf ready to bloody gobble you." He rambled. "You look at me like that." Finley playfully shoves his shoulder. Liam twitched his head to the side as if to agree with her, "yeah and i'm the only one who's supposed to."

Finley laughed, turning on her heel as she grabbed a bottle of heineken, her favourite should I mention? she passed on to Liam and they both took a big sip.

Finley and he, sat close by the food bar, Finley eating a few of the trail mix while listening to Liam insult people he doesn't know, which sometimes makes her laugh, he could be a comedian on how passive aggressive he is with joking about someone's face or posture.

"Look at him, can't decide on a fucking hair style, lookin' like the tail of an ox." He points to a guys hair. Finley laughed. Liam would've stayed serious as he would say such but Finley's laugh made it hard for him to even keep a straight face on.

Finley points to a girl, one she particularly hated as a kid, "She used to have a lot of gaps on her teeth her whole mouth practically looked like a jail cell."

Liam bursted, "Didn't know you had it in you."

Finley just shrugged, "Cheers."

The music suddenly changed to I Wanna Be Adored by the Stone Roses, Liam perking up, gulping his beer as he suddenly took Finley's hands, he sets the beer down and invited her to the dance floor.

She gave him a raised eyebrow but she just laughed, as they began to dance to the song. Liam singing along and Finley dancing with her shoulders.

Kitty saw the two and took out her polaroid cam that she had the whole night to treasure the wonderful event, and flashed a picture of the two.

Liam twirled and dipped Finley who was smiling so widely she was sure her cheeks were bleeding from the inside but she didn't care and neither did he.

That night they didn't expect to be so in love, so over the clouds, they didn't even knew this growing feelings was love.

I say let just go with the flow.

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