10. Bloody Ceasar

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Toni... out of all people never expected him to arrive on the crime scene.

Jaiden eyes roamed Toni's body. Tight jeans and shirt with his shoulder holster under a black leather jacket. A badge was clipped on to his belt much like Jaiden's.

He looked undeniably good.

The amusement in Toni's eyes faded almost immediately as he saw Jaiden's face. He reached out and gripped Jaiden's chin. He stared intently at the bruise and cut on his lip. "Hijo de puta. Who fucking did this?"

Jaiden smiled. "It's nothing major. I was just in a small confrontation last night."

Toni frowned. "Where is the pendejo?"

"Nursing his broken nose." Jaiden said with a smirk. "You do realize that everyone is watching you, right?"

Toni froze and then dropped his hand. Their conversation was hushed so no one could make out what they were saying. They only saw Toni angrily grab Jaiden.

Toni nodded his head to a side room and they both left the room, away from the crime scene.

Toni leaned against a wall and looked at him with a questioning gaze. "So, this is job that you're too focused on."

"It is."

Toni shook his head. "Suddenly, you make a lot more sense."

Jaiden ran his hand through his hair. "Listen, Toni. About yesterday..."

How could he finish his thought? He had no idea what to say. Should he apologize or justify running away?

Toni raised an eyebrow. "You don't do relationships often, do you?"

Jaiden smiled a little, embarrassment briefly reflecting in his eyes. His relationships were more like temporary fuck buddies with a clear expiration date. "Not really."

Toni shrugged a little, unfazed by the declaration. "At least I didn't have to wait too long for our next meeting. I just didn't expect it to be so... bloody."

"And I'm assuming that the cold asshole you have to deal with is actually me." Jaiden said with a wry look.

Toni laughed. "At least you're consistent. Lucky me."

Jaiden shook his head. " I guess this means we need reintroduce ourselves... again. You're Detective Alvarez, right?"

Toni gave him a blinding smile and held out his hand. "Toni Alvarez. Been on the force 15 years, detective for seven of those years."

Jaiden's lips curled and took his hand, but he winced a little when Toni gripped his hand. Toni groaned and turned his hand over and saw the cuts and bruises on his knuckle. "Jaiden..."

Jaiden coughed a little. "It takes effort to break a nose."

He ran his other hand through his hair. "Jaiden Ryder. Been part of the force about nine years. Close to three years as a detective. Considering your tenure, I'm still fresh."

Toni gave him an exasperated smile, his thumb lightly brushed over the cuts. "Jaiden Ryder... I have heard you have had a solid career and one hell of a mentor."

"Carlos Jaramillo. He was the best." Jaiden said. He was smiling but his eyes reflected his pain. Still, he felt pride knowing that Toni knew about Carlos.

Toni placed a hand on his shoulder. "We lost a good man when he passed. I can't imagine what you went through. I'm sorry."

Jaiden nodded slightly. "Thanks."

Toni gave his shoulder a small squeeze. "So those idiots accidently called both of us to the scene. I would normally be pissed, but I'll forgive their error because it benefited me in a way. I know you reached the scene first, so I can let you take the case."

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