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Esmè walked up the path to Grace's house. She knocked the door. Grace opened it and frowned. "Is everything okay?" She asked as she looked at her.

Esmè nodded. "I wanted to check on you. I know it's been tense. But you are still my sister. And I still care about you."

"Come in. Max isn't here. I told him I couldn't and I wouldn't betray you like that. I have an appointment with the lawyer tonight."

Esmè smiled and walked into the house. She sat on the sofa. "Tom and I have decided to make a go of things. And I want to forget about Max," she told her.

Grace nodded. "Good. I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy. And I know you weren't happy with Max. I just want you happy. I owe you so much."

"That's the cutest thing you've said."

Esmè went into work. She smiled and walked over to Tom. "Good morning."

"Hey. You okay?" He said as he kissed her. He pulled her close and smirked. "I missed you last night."

"I missed you too."

Tom looked at her. He smiled. "Do you wanna go away this weekend? We can explore what's going on with us. Me and you surrounded by a hotel room and room service," he said.

"Oh I'd love that. And I love you."


The two of them kissed as Esmè pulled away. She saw Max glaring at them. She rolled her eyes. "I think my ex is looking at us."

"Let him."

Max walked into Esmè's classroom. He glared. "I don't appreciate you rubbing your relationship with Tom in my face. I thought we were being civil."

"We are. We were until I spoke to my sister and she told me you were sleeping with her while we were together. What the hell?"

Max rolled his eyes and glared. "If you must know, it happened a few times. But you were sleeping with Tom too. Don't even try and deny it."

Esmè scoffed. "I'm not denying anything. I admit that I was sleeping with him too. But let's just admit now that we're too toxic and you know that."

Max nodded. He turned and went to walk out. He turned back to Esmè. "I'll always be in your life. You're my daughter's aunt. Therefore we will always see each other."

Esmè rolled her eyes and glared. She was getting annoyed with Max and wanted nothing more than for him to stop winding her up.


Esmè walked into the staffroom. She sat down with Grace and sighed. "I'm not mad at you by the way. I'm annoyed. But I'm not mad. And I hope you know that. You're my little sister."

"I know. And I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. But I was feeling hurt after seeing Kim and Lexie. And it just happened. But it's not happening again. I won't let it," Grace smiled.

Esmè nodded and sighed. She knew that she wanted to make her and Tom work. But she knew that it was too complicated.

But was it complicated over the whole situation? Or was it down to her still resisting some feelings for Max?

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