Avenger Proof • n.r.

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[r.] [n. g/p]

I am currently seven months pregnant, pregnant enough to get tired, and also not pregnant enough to be sitting on my butt all day long.

But it seems that Natasha thinks differently.

This woman has baby proof'd everything, she won't even let me sleep on my side of our bed anymore. She has me in the literal middle while she sleeps to the edge. She claims it's because she doesn't want me falling off in the middle of the night.

Right now I was watching Steve and Tony toss around the football in-front of me. We were inside in the common room. That was until Natasha came storming in, grabbing the football and throwing it out of the window, breaking the glass. My mouth was opened in shock.

"Natasha!" I yelled "hey!" The boys yelled

"Can you two imbeciles not see my pregnant wife, and our baby are sitting right behind you!" She screams

"She was fine with us tossing it! We asked!" Steve defends

"You don't ask her, you ask me! That is my baby in her, she is my wife. If anything happens to either of them, it won't be a football flying out that window next time!" She yells

I sigh, getting myself up as they argued back and forth. I began walking towards our room, using the stairs when Pietro came running beside me, causing me to lose my balance and fall.

Everyone heard.

"Detka!" Natasha screamed running to catch me, but it was too late. I fell and landed completely on my stomach. Hurting my ankle as well.

Steve picked me up quickly taking me to the medical area of our compound.

Banner looked me over, quickly grabbing the ultra sound as I was going in and out of awareness.

I could hear Natasha sobbing and screaming at Pietro for not being more careful with his pregnant sister in the compound.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see her! I was running from Clint!" He yelled back, his voice sounding a bit worried and hurt.

I hear Wanda step in and calm Tasha down as best as she could before scolding our brother.

My ankle was throbbing, my head felt like it was on fire.

Banner came over and asked a few questions as I felt dazed.

"Does anything hurt?" He asks, I nod weakly.

"What hurts?" He asks, I point. Having no energy to speak.

"Your ankle?" He guesses, I nod weakly.

"Anything else?" He asks, I point up.

"Head, got it. You just have a concussion, and a sprained ankle, y/n. Don't fall aslee-" but as he spoke, I could no longer keep my eyes open, falling into complete slumber.

When I woke up, Natasha paced in front of my bed, i weakly look at her before calling her name. Once she heard my voice she rushed towards my side.

"Baby! How do you feel?" She asks

"I'm fine, my head hurts." I say, she nods.

"That's normal, my love. Do you know how long you've been asleep?" She asks, I shake my head.

"About a week." She informs me, my eyebrows raise

"You had to give birth, they gave you a c-section because of your injuries."

"The baby... did I hurt the baby?" I asked as I began to cry.

"Sh, sh, sh, sh." She said lovingly trying to calm me down.

"The baby is healthy, healthier than most seven month premees." She informs me once again. I calm a bit.

"It's my fault, I should have caught myself." I blame myself. She shakes her head.

"No, it wasn't. Others should have been more careful with where their going." She said stroking my hair.

"Do you want to meet our baby?" She asks, I hesitantly nod.

"Has anyone seen her?" I ask

"No, not even Wanda. I wouldn't allow them until you woke up. No one should ever be able to see a mother's baby, without the parents seeing them first." She smiled, I smile at her gesture.

She wheels our baby in the incubator over to me and I look inside to see them.

"Are we putting a gender?" I ask

"Well... they were born with a vagina. But if later they feel different about themselves, they can."

"So, a girl?" I ask

"A girl, my love." She smiles. Tears spring my eyes as I reach to touch the glass.

"Her name?" I ask

"Well, we agreed on Luna Peru Maximoff Romanova?" She asks, I nod excitedly.

Then the others come crowding in, happy to finally see me awake and excited to see the baby.

"What is our nieces name?" Pietro asks excitedly although a guilty look was still plastered on his face

"Luna Peru" I say

"Peru?" He asks

"Yes, Pietro. Peru, as in a girl version of Pietro." I explain. He jumps for joy but then stops trying to contain his happiness at the thought of his niece having his name. He calmed himself not wanting to hurt anyone again.

"Wanda, you'll still be her godmother? Along with Bucky?" We ask, she nods excitedly.

Natasha comes around gliding her hand through my hair.

"Never scare me like that again." She says, I smile.

"You can quit the whole protective act towards me now, Talia. The baby isn't in me anymore." I giggle

"Act? You two are my world, I will always fight for you two. Until my last breath." She says kissing my forehead before pecking my lips.

"No one is taking either of you away from me." She says holding my cheeks, I smile happily.

"I love you." I say

"I love you more, and I cannot wait until she's grown enough for us to hold her. I just want to kiss her squishy little face!" She says excitedly, she smirking towards me.

"But I can always do that to you in the meantime." She says quickly grabbing my face and placing her lips all over it, causing me to giggle and scream a bit from how much some of them tickled. She planted kisses on my cheek, nose, chin, head, lips, and neck.

When she was done she turned towards our baby.

"We love you, Luna." Nat whispers towards our daughter with loving eyes.

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