Sleep Attacks (n) • w.m. / n.r.

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I do not usually do throuples, but... this is a special request. I did not want to further from the idea. So this will most likely be my first and last throuple one. Not because I don't like them, only because they are so difficult for me to keep up with, and write. My apologies loves.

I do not know of narcolepsy... but i did my best to research as best as I could. Here's this, my loves.

[r.] = requests
[n] = narcolepsy
sleep attacks



I was currently having a group train with all of the other Avengers, including my two girlfriends; Wanda and Nat.

Steve thought it'd be a wonderful idea to have us pair off with one another to learn the strengths and weaknesses of other opponents rather than our usual training partners we're used to.

Pretty bogus to me.

I was having a pretty great day, training hadn't been extremely hard until Steve decided it be best to have us all go one on one with one another in the ring, practically putting on a show for everyone else.

I was chosen to fight Bucky, no enhancements. Meaning I couldn't use my powers, but being his arm is apart of his body he could use it, just not to its full extent.

As we were fighting I began to get a tiring spell causing him to punch me in the face, I get up pausing the match.

"Hold on." I breath heavily.

My eyes began to get droopy but I fight through the spell.

"Y/n... hey, you okay?" He asked, i look around but notice Wanda and Nat had stepped out of the room with Steve for a moment. I know Nat said they were due to speak to Wanda about her powers and training. What a great time to speak.

I decide to try and fight through the attack, shaking my head. The feeling of exhaustion fades a bit and I nod my head towards Buck.

"I'm good. Ready to start, again?" I ask, he nods hesitantly.

"Need me to take it easy?" He asks a bit worried.

"Don't even think about it, old man." I smirk before punching him in the face twice and going to knock him on the ground, not a few minutes later. I feel another spell of exhaustion hit me like a train. I cough breathing heavily, I stand up stumbling a bit.

Bucky quickly notices and grabs my arm.

"Y/n, hey. Let's sit down for a minute."

"Guys! Next up!" He yells, none of us one the match. He quickly takes me out of the ring, I felt too exhausted to speak as he sat me on the chair.

"I'll get you some water." He says running out of the room. My breathing is heavy, and erratic.

My eyes continue to droop but I would not allow them to fully shut.

Finally Tony finished his match with Sam and walks over to me.

"You good, kid?" He asks, I didn't have the strength to even nod. Exhaustion made its toll on me.

"Ay, man. Go grab Nat and Wands, she doesn't look too good." Sam informed him moving to my side to keep me up right as I felt like I was leaning over a bit. Tony nods quickly running out to grab them. I use all my strength to stay awake.

When Bucky finally comes back with the water, I have no strength to grab it anymore. Nat and Wanda rush in quickly grabbing a hold of my face and brushing my hair back.

"Baby, how you feeling? Can you speak?" Wanda asks, I just look at her with a face that looked exhausted.

I tried to use my facial muscles to form an expression, but they only seemed to droop. My words making no sense as I slurred them all into one.

I decided the best course of action for myself was to stand up, which exactly was in fact not.

I went to stand up and immediately dropped down, Nat quickly caught me bringing me into her arms.

"Come on, baby. Let's get you to bed." She says worried.

"What's wrong with her?" Bucky asks

"Uh... we'll speak about it later. For now we need to get her to bed, thanks Buck." Wanda informs him, taking the bottle of water from him before following Natasha and I to our bedroom.

Nat laid me on the bed, when I woke up. I felt extremely exhausted. Nat was just about to walk out of the room when I finally have the energy to grab a hold of her hand.

"Cuddle... where's Wands?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"I'm right here, baby." She said coming up to me, stroking my cheek.

They both climb into bed alongside me and cuddle me, me being in the middle of two big spoons. My back was to Wanda, as she cuddled into me, and my front cuddled into Natasha.

"Baby, do you want to tell the others... I think it's time." Nat suggests, I manage to sigh and nod. Still not having the energy to talk much, she nods.

"Okay, my love. We'll do it together, when your feeling up to it." She kisses my head. I nod once again.

"Rest, our love." Wanda says leaning over to kiss my lips, I barely have enough energy to kiss back. Natasha kisses me as well. I intertwine my hand with Wanda's as I buried my face into Nat's chest. I kiss the skin there before trying to fall back asleep as now I was suffering through a migraine.

Usually after one of my episodes, I tend to get migraines, or even more exhaustion and muscle weakness, slurring of my words. I hated it, so I endured through the pain and cuddled into my girlfriends as they stayed with in bed with me until I felt comfortable enough to get up and move around once again.

That wasn't the case this afternoon as I laid in bed most throughout it. My migraine only expanding.

Wanda did her best to soothe it, Nat did her best to comfort me.

The only thing that helped was getting loads of attention and kisses from my girlfriends, it was the only upside from what I suffered through.

They can help any unbearable situation become cope-able.

Do not ask me how.

They just... can.

Requests • n.r. // w.m // y.b.Where stories live. Discover now