Letter 1:

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Dear Assface,

Sorry I haven't sent a letter your way in a week. It was the last week until Christmas break, and my asshole teachers went crazy with lessons. Anyway, I'm free now for a little while.

The town is decorated for Christmas, there's this massive tree in the park. It looks so cool at night. There's a lot of nicely decorated houses this year too. Phil put out that weird creepy ass Santa on his lawn again though.

Does Sam give you any Christmas decorations? I think you deserve a little tree at least!  A little tree, and a little present.

Speaking of presents! I need your help deciding what to get people. I can't think of anything.

Here's a list of people I want to get a gift for:


Let me know what you think I should get them :) send a letter my way soon, Assface.

Sincerely Drista,
with Sisterly love.

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