Letter 4:

169 11 6

Dear Satan Spawn,

Excuse me for being worried about you. It's not safe out at night, trust me on that.

I'd like to spend Christmas with you. It does get extremely lonely in this cell. Especially knowing everyone else is having fun. Maybe you could come visit? I know the prison freaks you out, but it's really not that bad. There's a lot of security precautions, but it's not scary.

As for advice, I don't know if I'm the best option. My first instinct is to tell you to kill the person. Though I doubt that's the answer you want. If you don't feel ready, don't do it. You're still practically a baby. You don't need a partner now, you've got plenty of time when you're older. Trust me, love sucks anyway. Only a few people actually find true love. It's not worth it.

I don't mean to be too intrusive, but is it a boy? If it is, keep your guard up. Boys will break your heart in a minute, trust me. As a man who has dated a man, men suck.

Sincerely Dream,
With Brotherly Love

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