Letter 3:

181 12 2

Dear Convict,

You're in jail and you're worried about ME going to the park? I wasn't alone, I was with friends. You're so dramatic sometimes.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Me and Sapnap decorated yesterday. I did the tree but it looks kind of fugly. You should come fix it, I'm sure Sam won't mind... :)

So how's prison life? It must suck knowing everyone else gets to celebrate the holidays...while you're still sleeping and shitting in a cage.

I know you won't get out this year, and maybe not next year either. I hope I get to spend a Christmas with you again someday. It feels lonely not having any biological family around, even if you smell like shit.

I'm tired of writing now, but I wanted to mention one more thing. Don't get weird on me.

Someone asked me to be their girlfriend and I don't know about it. I like them, but I don't really feel ready. Am I just being stupid? Tommy told me to just go for it, but I want your opinion. I feel like you're good at giving advice.

Sincerely Drista,
With Sisterly Love

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