Letter 10:

156 10 2

Dear Bitchy Brother,

I'm alive, so that's something at least. Sorry if you thought you would have to plan my funeral. I've been sick, and I didn't feel like writing anything.

To be honest, I don't want Christmas to come. I'm dreading it. I was excited, but it lost it's appeal for some reason. I wish you could come home at least, it would make Christmas a bit more fun. This year I'll probably just be spending it with Sapnap and his fiancés. It's fine or whatever, but I feel out of place. They are all lovey and kissy, and it makes me feel like I'm not welcome.

Oh and about that boy, I decided to give him a small chance. I'm curious to see how it might go...but so far I'm not that impressed. He always talks down to me, like I'm his dog or something. I told him I was feeling sick so he stopped texting for the week until I felt better. What kind of bullshit is that? I could've used some comfort or sympathy.

Sincerely Drista,
With Sisterly Love

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