Letter 2:

200 11 6

Dear Gremlin,

It's okay, I'm glad you're taking school seriously.

I don't think tiny trees are a prison priority, but I'm sure you could try to convince Sam.

I bet everything looks wonderful, I would love to see the tree in the park. My only question is, what are you doing at the park at night?

You better not be alone.

As for the gifts, I only have a couple ideas. Get Tommy a disc, he collects those. A nice Christmas one would be great. Get Sapnap some beer, and buy George a colouring book. Just to get his reaction, it'll be hilarious.

Good luck with your gift shopping. What else do you plan on doing during your break? Has Sapnap decorated the house yet? If not, make sure he gets on that. Just don't let him do the tree, he always messes it up. You do the tree, and make sure you fluff it out properly. Don't hang up any mistletoe though, because we both know Sapnap will keep inviting Karl over.

Hope to keep hearing from you.

Sincerely Dream,
With brotherly love

Brotherly (Drista & Dream Christmas) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now