Letter 13:

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I got Sapnap's letter, and I'm not sure what to say to you. I'm not mad, I'm honestly a little relieved. That probably sounds really mean...I just thought he was going to tell me you robbed a bank or something.

I'm not mad, but I'm upset. If you are having a hard time eating, you need to get help. I know you don't like hospitals, and I know you hate doctors. I like having a sister though, so please try.

I know I've called you ugly and various variations of the word. I'm sorry if I at all influenced this to happen. You're just as beautiful as me. We're siblings after all. I'm just an asshole that thought it was funny, because you're my sister. I like teasing you and annoying the hell out of you. I'm sorry that I took it too far a couple times. I hope I didn't cause this.

Just try to eat what you can, and try to enjoy Christmas.

Love ya :)

Sincerely Dream,
With Brotherly Love

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