Christmas Eve

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Drista stepped off of the bridge's platform, watching as the bridge retracted after she left it. Clearly there was no turning back now.

Before she knew it, she was face to face with her brother, watching a curtain of lava lock them in. Her eyes stayed wide, in shock at how cruel and unusual the prison's design was.

She was brought back to reality when her brother wrapped his arms around her.

"Merry Christmas!" Dream squeezed her just a bit too tight.

"Ouch, let me go!" Drista squirmed until she was free. "You smell disgusting."

"Well it's not my fault." Dream huffed and gestured towards his things. "Welcome to my...home?"

Drista looked around, there wasn't much to take in. " least you have a sink?"

"That's the toilet." Dream corrected her.

"Oh...then what's this hole with water in it?" Drista was careful not to step in it.

"That's where I bathe." Dream smiled under his mask.

"Ah, right..." Drista reached behind her head to remove her mask. "Can we actually see each other?"

"There's cameras, Sam will see you." Dream pointed to one of the corners.

"'s not like he's allowed to show others the footage." Drista unclipped her face covering.

"He technically can though..." Dream picked up the old blanket he was given. He held it up around Drista. So she could show him her face without Sam having any idea what they looked like.

Drista pulled her mask off and looked up so Dream could see her. She wanted this to feel personal. Especially after going through all the dehumanizing safety functions.

Dream could tell she looked sick now, faces showed more than bodies. Though she did look a little thinner. "Where'd that cut come from?"

Drista put her hand on her cheek, over the cut. "Oh- Tommy is a bitch, he pushed me down a hill and I rolled until my mask slipped off."

Dream shook his head in disapproval. "Did he see your face?"

"No, he was a pussy about it. Wouldn't look at me for the whole day because he felt bad." Drista grinned, knowing she was stronger than Tommy.

"Okay, good. No one is to see your face, but me." Dream reminded her before nodding his head towards the mask. "Put it back on."

Drista put the mask back on and clicked it into place. "I know, I how have you been?"

Dream put the blanket aside and leaned on the wall, kicking the dirt in the cell. "Take a look around, and tell me how I've been."

Drista crossed her arms awkwardly and looked towards the lava. "It's surprisingly not too hot in here..."

"Yeah, there's cooling systems in the walls and floors to balance out the heat." Dream slid down the wall and sat on the floor.

"Oh, smart, I guess?" Drista sat on the floor with him.

"What have you been up to?" Dream hugged his knees, looking for a good conversation starter.

"Oh, just preparing for Christmas...I'm not even excited." Drista hugged her knees after him.

"Does anyone know you're here?" Dream suspected she lied to get there.

"Sapnap thinks I'm at Lani's exchanging Christmas presents." Drista laughed lightly.

"That's a realistic lie, you're getting good at sneaking." Dream complimented her on a bad trait.

"Yeah..." Drista yawned, and things went quiet for awhile. "Hey?"

Dream made eye contact with her, but she looked away.

"This is random you believe in religion?" Drista awkwardly straightened out her legs to be more comfortable.

"Uh...yeah? I do believe in religion I guess? Like, I respect it? What are you trying to get at?" Dream didn't think a teenager would be asking about religions.

"Well I've been looking into the God XD, and I just wanted to know if it's okay." Drista finally looked at him.

"You want to practice the XD religion? That's okay with me, you're free what you want with your beliefs." Dream moved around in discomfort and also straightened out his legs.

"Okay thanks...I've been praying to him for the last week. I'm not sure when he's going to answer me." Drista felt off, never having brought up religion to really anyone before. Unless it was just a tasteless joke.

"Oh yeah?" What are you praying for?" Dream fidgeted around with his fingers nervously.

"Honestly, I'm just asking him to make my life better...I'm doing everything the church says, but he's not answering." Drista sounded disappointed.

"What would make your life better?" Dream's heart broke.

"Having you least for Christmas." Drista admitted.

"I don't think even he can do that for you..." Dream put his arm around her.

Drista started crying, which only made Dream more uneasy. He would do anything but tell her he wasn't innocent. "I'm sorry..."

Brotherly (Drista & Dream Christmas) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now