Merry Christmas

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"You hungry?" Sapnap asked for the tenth time that morning.

"No, not hungry." Drista told him as she attempted walking upstairs.

Sapnap grabbed her by her sleeve and gave her a certain look. "It's Christmas, come on. Come eat pancakes with us. At least have one."

"Ew no, I don't like pancakes anyway. They are so soft and squishy." Drista complained as she tried to pull away.

"You have to eat before you open your presents." Sapnap let go and crossed his arms.

"I don't want my presents, you can shove them up your ass." Drista ran upstairs.

Sapnap sighed and dragged his feet the whole way to the kitchen. He sat down and faced his defeat. "She doesn't want anything to do with us today."

Karl poured a generous amount of syrup over his pancakes. "I'm sure she'll come back down to open her presents. I'll go offer her some fruit." He suggested something that might be easier for her to eat.

Karl took an orange out of their festive fruit basket and headed upstairs. He knocked on Drista's door lightly, not wanting to sound intimidating.

Drista could tell their knocks apart, so she knew it was Karl. Opening the door, she peeked out. "yeah?"

Karl slipped the orange through the crack in the door. "Here...want to try this?"

Drista held the orange and gave it a little sniff. Even the smell of an orange peel made her stomach growl. "Thank you...Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas!" Karl smiled gently at her, hoping she would join them later. "Me and Sapnap are going to open presents after breakfast. We really want you to come down with us."

" Quackity not coming over?" Drista asked while picking at the orange's skin.

"No..." Karl lost his smile to a heart ache.

Drista felt bad after seeing the smile fade on Karl's face. "Oh, I'm so sorry... I'll come down in a minute."

"Okay, awesome." Karl picked his smile back up and headed downstairs with his lover. "Sap, she's coming down to join us."

"Hey, that's great! You're the kid whisperer." Sapnap was in the middle of enjoying his plate of syrup, with a side of pancakes.

"She just likes me more, what can I say." Karl put his hands on his hips proudly before taking a seat again.


Drista sat with Sapnap and Karl, beside the small synthetic tree. Her stomach growled as it only held half an orange. Even with only half an orange, Drista felt guilty. XD only answered to those who denied their natural temptations. That included the natural instinct to eat when hungry.

She watched Karl and Sapnap exchange lovey presents. Heart shaped chocolates, teddy bears, and gifts with deep meanings. It was an adorable display, but she still wanted her brother to be there. Christmas wasn't Christmas without the tiny sliver of family she had left.

By the time it got around to her turn, she was over it. Lazily, she ripped open her presents. Smiling a fake smile to avoid coming across as ungrateful. As she expected, neither of them had managed to wrap up her brother.

"Thanks guys...I love all of it." Drista thanked the two, while being surrounded by various material goods. Clothes, perfumes, chocolates, and more. Everything a girl could ask for, except family.

"You're so welcome." Karl smiled happily, happy that she was happy. At least looked happy to him. "Do you maybe feel like eating a little more? Or want some hot chocolate?" Again, he spoke gently. He didn't want to overwhelm her into locking herself away again.

Brotherly (Drista & Dream Christmas) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now