Chapter 23 (LUKE)

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Ok, I know it's been FOREVER since i've uploaded this story (well, any story >.>) but this is the LAST CHAPTER for luke! :D then I'll finish up the last chapter for Shunn and this story will count as done! :D

CHAPTER 23 (LUKE) (3rd Person POV)

*A month later*

"So...did you hear anything about this beforehand?"

Luke shook his head.

Who knew that Shunn would decide to use the money he earned from being a model/actor/singer to start a company?

"Shunn, nicknamed Sun by his adoring fans, has finally decided to come back to the center stage, only not as a singer, but as a businessman! As of now, he is currently ranked #1 on the hottest guys ranking for businessmen. Coming in as a close second, is Luke, nicknamed luck..."

Luke's brows knit together. Shunn was stealing his hot guy ranking now? Aren't three number ones enough for him? Glancing over at Mira, his mouth pulled down into a frown.

Mira stared at the TV Screen in awe, her eyes shining in wonder.

"Don't look!" Luke covered her eyes with his hand, eliciting a muffled "oomph" from her.

"Why not?"

"Because." His jaw set, his eyes sparked with anger.

Wait...Mira glanced closer. Was that...jealousy?

Seeing this, Mira started laughing uncontrollably. Luke was still jealous of Shunn? Shunn had stolen his #1 hot guy ranking in the business world...

"Don't laugh!" Luke stated, annoyed.

" poor Wukey still jealous of Shunn?" Mira reached up, taking his face in her hands, pinching his cheeks.

His face colored.

"No." He still stated stubbornly.

"I promise I won't leave you, even if you're no longer #1." Mira suddenly gazed up at him, her eyes brimming with love.

He stared back, suddenly grinning.

"Don't worry. Even if you had thoughts about leaving, I promise you won't be able to tomorrow."

"Why?" Mira cocked her head to the side, confused.

Luke bent down next to her ear, blowing softly. Mira shivered.

"Because I guarantee you won't be able to get off the bed after I'm through with you tonight..."



I. AM. DONE. Still Shunn's chapter after this, but i'm basically done with half of the story!! :DDD that took long enough 0_0 Over half a year...thank god.

After I'm done with Shunn's chapter, I'll have more time to focus on my other stories ^_^  

Now dedicated to rhp625 simply because she helped me explain about the double ending thingy :) I'm so happy some people understand ><

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