Chapter 9

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eeekkkk!!! Chapter 9 is up! :D haha :) sorry for this...but i'm running a little slow on ideas (darn writers block) so if anyone could give some ideas, that would be amazing! And um...i'll need 40 votes for the next chapter :/ Sorry...but I kinda need time to go through all my abandoned (not really) stories and work on those too XD so thx!


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Mira's POV

"No." I said to Dan and Luke, ignoring their bewildered looks, "I'm going to live with Shunn."

They stood there speechless, Luke staring at me, but Dan glaring at Shunn.

Shunn's POV

I grinned. This could be fun. Hmm....could my room fit 3 guys, one girl, and a bunch of servants? I think it's big enough.

"Come on, babe." I said to Mira, pulling her into the passenger seat of my car.

I wanted to see just how long it would take them to come over. After all, they wouldn't trust me with their darling, would they?

As it goes, 2 guys+1 girl = a bunch of drama. Especially if one's her brother. Now what would happen if I joined in...

I turned on the ignition and started driving. I would give them 3 days. They know where I live. Now, the question is, who would arrive first?

Dan's POV

"Da*n. What was he thinking?" I kicked my precious car, furious. How could he take Mira away?!?

Ugh. After everything that's happened, I was probably still the only one that could protect her. Luke would just break her heart...which meant I had to arrive at Shunn's house first and gain her trust.

"What are we going to do?" Luke asked.

"I don't know about you, but I'm catching the first plane there." Darn Shunn. Living all the way in Hawaii!

Suddenly, I dragged Luke close.

"Don't hurt my sister." I hissed, "You've already broken her heart enough times. It's best if you just stay away from her."

He just looked at me.

"I'm sorry," he stated simply, "I can't."

Growling, I let go of his collar. I needed to prevent him from going. Even if he was my best friend, didn't mean he had the right to hurt her. Call me overprotective, but she was the only family member I had left, and I wasn't planning on losing her anytime soon.

"Dan." Luke called, just as I walked away. I turned around.

"I...I promise I won't hurt her, "he said, his voice cracking, "I hurt just as much as her when she gets hurt. Please...just give me another chance."

Seeing his pained face, my heart softened. Sighing, I went back and gave him a hug.

"Sure." I said simply.

"Thanks." he whispered back.

"No problem. But we need to hurry before Shunn puts his moves on her..."

Luke grimaced.

"We could get there in 8 hours by my private jet, but I have to take care of some stuff for the company first."

"I can leave right after calling in for breaks for all three of us." I told him. I didn't have some huge international company I had to work on.

"Here. You go first and protect her. I'll come later. Shunn's plane is extremely fast. They'll probably be there in 3 to 4 hours."

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