Chapter 14

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Chapter 14~!!!! WHOOT! :DDDD haha :) but before I begin, a special shoutout to Sunnshinee03! her comment was so sweet! :DDD haha :) and also one for AceOfSpades911 who gave me a cool idea! haha :) although I won't be totally following it, or else I'll have a person who'll predict what'll happen! *GASP* can't have that! XDDD so remember, vote for luke or shunn, and on with the story! :D

omg! haha ;) added this later on :P haha :) xoMusicIsMyBoyfriend just wrote one chapter on her story! *GASP* called red dice! *GASP* haha :) its definitely not about what the title looks like, but amazing title, eh? :) haha :) its just a first chapter, but she's basing it off a drama, and from what i've seen, the dramas really good! :D So I'm not gonna tell you the storyline and i'll wait for you to read yourself! XD


Shunn's POV

It hurts so bad, hurts...

Suddenly, I felt cold fingers on my arm.

"Are you okay?" Mira peered at me with her bright eyes.

I nodded my head and smiled. If I spoke, she might hear the gruffness of my voice and know I was nearly about to cry.

"Come on." I said, guiding her back in, "I have to show you someplace tomorrow."


"It's a secret." I said, gently smiling at her.

When we reached her room, she went in and said good night before closing the door. But looking at that door, I felt like it separated us so far that I could never see her again. For the first time in my life, I felt fear. But I ignored it and went back to my room. Tomorrow, I was going to show her the gazebo and garden I had wanted built so long ago for the little girl. But I wasn't going to tell her, I quietly whispered to myself. I wasn't going to tell her...

The next morning, while it was still cool and misty out, I knocked on her door. Right now would be the best time for her to see the effects.

She opened it, her eyes droopy.

"What is it?" she yawned.

"You have to see something right now." I grinned.

"But I'm tired..."

"You'll regret it..."

"Fine." She closed the door, and I stood outside, waiting patiently for her as she got dressed.

Mira's POV

"Where are we going?" I asked. Shunn led us a little ways into the forest. Funny. I never knew there was a forest in Hawaii...

"Close your eyes." He said, coming behind me and covering my eyes with his hands.

He led me a little ways, and even though I was a little scared, I never tripped.

"Open them." he whispered next to my ear, and let his hands drop.

I gasped. It was so beautiful. In front of me, in the middle of a meadow, was a pure white gazebo, just like the ones in the fairy tales. It had a mysterious air because of the mist, but with the sun slightly peeking over the horizon, it glowed the different colors of the many different flowers surrounding it. And next to it, there were two tall trees, with a swing built in between them. Fascinated, I walked toward the swing.

Gliding my hand over the seat, I wrapped my hands around one of the rope chains. It felt so an old friend. Slowly sitting down, I began to swing. Slowly at first, then faster and faster, until I felt like I was flying.

I looked down to see Shunn just looking at me, a small smile on his face, like it wasn't meant to be there, but had still somehow crept onto his features. And in that moment, with the sun shining behind him, he really did look like an angel. A smiling angel...just like that little boy I met years ago...

After a while, I got off and he walked me back to the house, saying nothing the whole time.

When we got back, Luke greeted us at the door, slightly frowning, but then he guided me back into the house.

Shunn's POV

After walking into the house, I went over to Dan's room and knocked on his door. He finally opened it after two minutes, his face grumpy. He definitely wasn't a morning person. But ignoring his bad mood, I sat down on the side of his bed and explained to him my plan for the day.

"No." He said, his chin jutting out, stubborn.

"Come on."

"No. Never while she's under my care."

"Even if I promise you'll get to see an amazing waterfall?"

He hesitated. After being friends for so long, I knew had always wanted to see a waterfall, but hadn't ever had the chance.

"Only if you promise she'll be safe."

I grinned.

"Sure thing, buddy."

"Alright, everybody! We're going up a mountain today!" I announced the news at the breakfast table.

Dan's face was still grumpy but slightly excited, Mira's face shown full of excitement, and Luke seemed slightly dubious and hesitant.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Don't worry. She'll be safe, I promise. And besides, don't you like climbing mountains?"

"I do." he said gruffly, glancing toward Mira.

"Well, then up and at 'em! We're heading out an hour after breakfast, so everybody prepare what you need!"

The plane trip was fairly uneventful, with Mira sleeping and Dan and Luke playing cards, only occasionally arguing over them. I just sat in my seat and stared out at the passing landscape. Pretty soon, we got dropped off and took a taxi to the base of the mountain.

"Mount Sezier. Pretty cool, eh?" I looked back at the others with their various levels of excitement. We started climbing for about an hour before we came across a bridge maybe 50 feet across. It connected the two trails, and if we wanted to see the waterfall, we had to go that way.

Enthusiastic, Dan crossed over first with no problem. But Mira suddenly looked nervous, so Luke and I flanked her afterwards, Luke in the front and me in the back.

When we reached the middle though, one side of the bridge suddenly collapsed and the bridge turned sideways. Luke managed to grip onto the rope of one side, his other hand holding mine. I grabbed onto Mira's hand.

"Don't panic!" Dan yelled at us, furiously trying to keep the other side of the bridge connected with the land, but I could see his muscles straining from here. The weight was too much. I felt Luke's grip start to loosen from the weight of all of us three people. Then I looked down at Mira, her eyes wide with fear and shock. I knew Luke couldn't support all of us for long.

Funny. For some reason, I didn't feel nervous at all. I looked up at Luke, his arm straining. Then I looked down at Mira, and taking what strength I had left, I pulled Mira up and connected her hand with Luke's. I looked at her, whispering in her ear, "I love you", before I let go.

Before I plunged into the icy river below.

aaccckkk...i know...sorry...>< so short >< but I'm kinda in a time crunch and I didn't have much time to write >< sorry, and i know its kinda rushed and all that, but i promise it'll be slower and longer next time >< cuz i had this idea, and i would've hit myself if i forgot! I know, it seems really mean and stuff, but i promise, its gets wayyyyyy better. I have a whole amazing idea branching from this :) so sorry :( but i promise i'll upload soon! Geez though. I'm so masochistic! >< I'm making myself so depressed writing this! :(((((( GOD. I g2 write something happy soon or I'll die.

Know fahrenheit 451 and animal farm? ALL SO DEPRESSING BOOKS. I'm so depressed lately! *GASP* (goes and watches a chick flick XD)

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