The Star Of The Show

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Episode 12: Circus Of Plunders

Episode 12: Circus Of Plunders

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Sonic's POV

Eggman attacked, that's how our day started. Me and the team were running across the canyon. The team were charging forward attacking an octopus like robot that Eggman has brought in to destroy us with i suppose. I run in and shake one of their tentacles

Sonic: nice to meet you

And I earn a laugh from Yasemin as I see her dodging the octopus and using her impressive karate moves to defeat the robot. Then Amy comes in with her hammer trying to get a hit at the octopus and Sticks jumps in the back of the robot and causes the octopus to hit it's own head. ​​Inside Octopus Bot, Eggman pulls on the levers, causing Octopus Bot's tentacle to swat at him. He backs away to avoid getting hit.

Eggman: Oh!

Eggman gets Octopus Bot's tentacle out, then Octopus Bot tries attacking me, but I move out of the way. Then I started running counter-clockwise circles around Octopus Bot which caused Eggman to get annoyed at me.

Eggman: You know, this would be easier if you'd all stop moving around.

Sonic: (Continues running circles around Octopus Bot) Sorry, I can't hear you.

Then i stop running, but continue dodging Octopus Bot's tentacles as it was a piece of cake

Sonic: Too busy running circles around your Squid Bot!

Eggman: It's not a squid, it's an octopus! Can't you tell by the size of the tentacles in relation to the head?

Then i get a call from Tails he must be nearby

Tails: Sonic, my laser-guided Unbolterizer is ready to go! I've got a clean shot at Spider Bot!

Eggman: It's an octopus! An octopus!

Uh gosh this usually can go two ways as Tails's inventions are not always a big success. Don't tell him that.

Sonic: Tails, have you even tested it yet?

Tails: Don't worry, it'll work!

Tails lock onto Octopus Bot. Then he presses the button on the right lever and his plane fires a yellow beam. The yellow beam misses Octopus Bot and bounces all over the canyon. It eventually hits Octopus Bot's severed tentacle, causing it to break into pieces, one of which hits a stack of rocks. The rocks crumble and fall, and Tails looks down at them in shock.

Tails: That's not good.

Then the rocks come towards Sticks and she manages to dodge them. Then she jumps on top of one of them and walks on the walk steadily

Sticks: Whoa! I should have taken that log-rolling class

Knuckles wasn't phased by the rocks as he was hitting each one coming towards him

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