Breaking And Entering

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Episode 16: How To Succeed In Evil Without Really Trying

Episode 16: How To Succeed In Evil Without Really Trying

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Yasemin's POV

Me and Sticks were out in the Orchard. Apparently Sticks has a passion for baking pies. She was collecting some beige berries while i was looking around the Orchard

Yasemin: thanks for bringing me here Sticks

Sticks: no problem i trust you enough to see this

Yasemin: why? Is this place special to you?

Sticks: you could say that but really I came here because No one at the pie festival will guess that beige berries are my secret ingredient! Unless, one of these trees is a spy in disguise! (Staring at a tree) I'm on to you tree! You'll never get the recipe! NEVER!!!

Then she throws her boomerang at the tree

Yasemin: Sticks there's no need to do that the trees aren't alive

Then she shrugs her shoulder and i decide to help her grab some of the berries and then Tails comes by

Tails: (Arrives in the Tails Mobile) Hey Sticks! How's tricks? I see you're making beige berry pie.

Sticks: (Looks surprised and talks to her berries) I don't know what he's talking about! I'm taking you to live on a farm! (Turns her attention back to Tails) Now, if you will excuse me, I have a few trees left to pick. Come on Yasemin (Leaves)

Then Sticks pulls my arm as we walked away from Tails

Tails: Looks like you could use some help. Be right back! (Leaves)

Tails's POV

I know just what Sticks needs to finish picking those beige berries and she'll thank me for this. She normally hates my inventions but this will change that i know it!

Tails: (Singing as he is constructing a berry picking machine) Grab-claws connected to the trap-jaw! Trap-jaws connect to the scoop-maw! Scoop-maws connected to the positively-charged resistor-cuffing ion-matrix!

Alright I think I got it! Then I tried to turn it on. Nothing.

Tails: ​​Oops, needs voltage. Lot of trees means a lot of "v's"! (Walks over to some matrixes) Nope. Nope. Nope.

Then I see Sonic playing volleyball while using his speed. Of course! I know what I need. I call Sonic in and have him on the exercise machine that he will use to power up the machine.

Sonic: You sure about this Tails? You know how Sticks is about machines.

Tails: But this thing runs on natural energy: yours! It's better than going green, it's going blue!

Sonic: Say when!

Then Sonic started using his speed on the machine. But he used too much and it ended up exploding as it had too much voltage

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