Two Complete Opposites

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Episode 28: Two Good To Be True

Episode 28: Two Good To Be True

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Narrators POV

In the Mirror Dimension, a broken Mirror Crab Bot is seen flying across the land. Mirror Tails is chasing a Mirror Motobug, but Mirror Amy breaks it with her hammer. And Mirror Yasemin ends up using her combat moves and her staff to break some of the motobugs. Mirror Sticks throws her boomerang towards a Mirror Crab Bot and destroys it. A Mirror Octopus Bot emerges out of the bushes. It shoots ink at Team Sonic. The ink lands on the ground in a puddle and Mirror Sonic starts slipping on it.

Mirror Sonic: I could use some help here.

Mirror Dave: I'm all over it.

Sonic falls over.

Mirror Dave: Anyone order a butt-kicking with a side of pain and extra humiliation sauce?

Mirror Yasemin: Wait Dave watch out!

Mirror Dave fires hamburgers towards the Mirror Octopus Bot. They mess up Mirror Eggman's windshield. The Octopus Bot shoots a laser that directly hits Yasemin at her feet, blowing her up in the air. Mirror Knuckles, riding on a pair of Hoverboards, catches her before she falls to the ground. She gasps in amazement seeing her hero catch her.

Mirror Knuckles: I always knew you'd fall for me.

Mirror Yasemin: hero (kisses his cheek)

Mirror Eggman: Knuckles the Echidna, my arch-nemesis.

Mirror Knuckles: (places Yasemin down) You never learn, do you, Egghead. You'll never defeat my team!

Mirror Sonic: We're a team? We should get matching uniforms!

Mirror Yasemin: ugh uniforms seriously?

Mirror Knuckles: Oh Sonic. Uniforms by definition match. (Pats Sonic's head) Now, if you'll excuse me, the grown-ups have some work to do.

Mirror Yasemin: go get him babe!

Mirror Knuckles don't worry my dear Yasemin i will

Knuckles releases one of his Hoverboards that destroys a Mirror Crab Bot. He tries hitting the Octopus Bot with the other Hoverboard, which hits Mirror Octopus Bot on the underbelly. The Mirror Octopus Bot catches smoke and falls to the ground. Knuckles unleashes the ground pound to finish it off. The shockwave blows back a few more Mirror Crab Bots and blasts the Mirror Octopus Bot up in the air, which then crashes back to the ground. It then emits a red and blue energy beam that merge together and directly hit Knuckles.

Mirror Sonic: Nooo!

Mirror Sonic tries to save Mirror Knuckles, but he is too late, as Mirror Knuckles gets warped away before he can reach him.

Mirror Yasemin: Knuckles!!!

Sonic's POV

No, I can't let it go! I can't. I dive myself right onto the ground and...

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