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Fanart by @lazysongbird on twitter! :)

TW: mention of cheating


I finally got ready. I haven't spoke to Dream, Quackity, Karl and the others for a week now. I gave them some space. I didn't want to bother them. I've been getting closer to Felix, and my dad and I have been drifting apart. I mean, he cheated after all. That's sick.

I walked into school and looked at the nearest bulletin board by my locker. Cheer tryouts, dance tryouts, football tryouts, soccer tryouts, extra. I looked into I finally found an interesting flyer. Film club. It was at the top so I tried my best to get it down. I succeeded. I then walked to my first period, which was math. I headed in the class and saw a boy that I haven't seen before. He was sitting next to my spot.

Confused, I headed over to him. He didn't look at me. I shrugged it off since I was that way. I had a couple more minutes until class started so I started doodling. I doodled a lot. It's a habit. Along with fiddling with my hoodie strings. I just always have something in my hands. I don't get it.

"That's a nice drawing, or doodle. Which ever one you did." I heard a quiet voice speak. I looked up to see the boy next to me smiling. He's cool.

"Thanks.. what's your name?" I asked as I turned to him. He must have blushed or got embarrassed because his face got red. He hesitated before answering.

"I don't like to say my real name, but you can call me Billzo." He smiled a bit and looked down. He started fiddling with his hands.

"That's a cool nickname. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around. Also, I'm y/n." I spoke. He looked up and we made eye contact. He nodded. I nodded a bit slowly as in 'ok' and looked down. The bell rang and a bunch of students came into the room. Great. Here we go.


"Hey y/n..? Uhm-I, I don't get this question, do you mind helping me?" Billzo asked quietly. I nodded.

"Yeah sure, what question are you on?" I asked. He pointed to number 15. That one was easy.

"Ok so, x equals 3, and you need to multiply 3 times z. Z equals 97. So 3 times 97. " I pointed out. He smiled.

"Ok, thanks y/n. You're smart." He stated. He then turned back to his paper. I smiled inside my head. He's cool. I didn't like him as in a boyfriend way or something like that, but I think he could become my friend.


"Hey y/n! Wait up!" I turned around to see Billzo smiling. I stopped and waited for him to get where I was. When he got at the same pace as me, we both headed to lunch.

"Wanna sit with me? If you like to that is." I asked Billzo once we got to the cafeteria. He smiled and nodded.
"Great. Come with me." I lead him to a table and we both sat down. I grabbed the flyer out of my pocket and unfolded it. I started reading it inside my head.

"What's that?" I looked up to see Billzo with a confused face. I chuckled and gave it to him. He read it carefully inside his head. Once he was done, he handed it back to me.
"That's cool, where did you find the flyer?" He asked.

"A bulletin board by my locker." I then carefully put the flyer back into my locked. Billzo nodded.

"Mk, cool. Do you usually it this alone..? I'm sorry if that was rude! I- I didn't mean it to come off as rud-" Billzo was rambling. I cut him off and chuckled.

"No, but I'm not in the best state so it doesn't really matter. Just giving my other..I don't know-friends? If you can say that, some space. I think it's for the best." I laughed. Billzo nodded and started eating. I ate my apple.


"y/n!" I looked to see Karl. Fuck. I turned around and luckily, bumped into Billzo.

"Hey y/n!" He smiled brightly. I waved.
"Wanna hang out sometime? As friends of course, you're just one of the nicest people I've met.." he grew quieter and I chuckled.

"Sure! Here's my number." I have my number to him as he smiled brightly.

"Great! See ya later y/n!" He gave me a hug then left to his car. I made another friend. I walked home.


"Y/n! There's someone here for you!" Felix shouted from downstairs. I groaned and walked downstairs. There, stood Clay. Fucking God.

"Well I'll leave you to some alone time. Also y/n, Karl told me you have a new friend? What's his name?" Howe the fuck does Karl know that?

"His name is Billzo. He's in my first period and he's new." I spoke. Felix hummed and went upstairs. But before he reached the steps, he spoke.

"Also, do you know where Revi is? He hasn't been home since yesterday. You and him have been drifting apart-" Felix was ranting. I cut him off.

"He fucking cheated! I walked in on him and a girl having se-" I covered my mouth and ran to my room before I could get a response. Shit.

"Y/n, it's Clay." I heard a soft voice say from the other side of the door. I groaned into my pillow.

"Go away!" It was muffled by my pillow but I don't care. Clay then walked in and sat by me. He played with my hair.

"Are you ok? You've been ignoring me and the rest of the group all week." Clay spoke. I groaned again. Fuck.

"No. I just told Felix that my dad cheated? Did you not understand that?" I asked and looked up at him. I was on the verge of tears but I didn't want to cry. I held them back. Clay sighed.

"I know. If you ever need to talk I'm here. Uhm..change of topic..tell me about Billzo." He said the name with disgust.

"He's cool. He's really nice to. I gave him my number." I smiled inside at the fact of Billzo. He made me happy.

"oh." Clay mumbled. I then scooted closer and sat on him lap. I cuddled him. I looked up to see him a blushing mess. I laughed.

"Y/-" I cut him off.

"Clay, thank you for everything." I mumbled. I then drifted off to sleep.

1110 words :)
I love you all have a safe day/night<3

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