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Fanart by @drlqra.27 on Instagram!!

TW: strong languages, some yelling!

I woke up..in my own. Usually my dad or Felix wakes me up. I'm confused. I checked the time. 8:28am. School starts at 8:05..WAS I LATE? SHIT-

"Y/n, you're awake." I turned to see Felix smiling. What. I gave him a confused look.
"You're going to go to your job offering today? Down by the cafe in town?" Felix spoke. Shit.

"Oh-I totally forgot, thanks dad! I'll get ready." I spoke fast and got up. I immediately went to my closet and heard my door shut.

I got dressed into a tan hoodie with a collared shirt underneath it. I grabbed some black jeans with it. I then brushed my hair and teeth.


"Ok, call me when you're done so I can pick you up!" Felix spoke as I shut the door. I nodded as he drove off. I took a deep breath before going in.

"Hi, I'm here for the new job..?" I spoke to the man at the counter. He looked familiar, I think he's in my math class.

"Oh! Y/n? I think you're in my math class. I'm Kyler." Kyler spoke. He sat next to me one day. I nodded.
"I'll go get the manager."


"Felix! I got the job!" I spoke as we got home. Felix started celebrating by putting a fist in the air. I laughed.

"Wait why was Kyle...oh right! He sometimes misses mornings for work." I mumbled to myself. I then went back to my room and slept.


I woken up to my phone ringing. I looked to see Clay calling me, with about more then 100 messages from my friends. I laughed. I also picked up the phone.

"y/n?!? Why weren't you at school??!" Clay yelled into the phone. His voice had anger in it. The voice was rough. I never heard his voice like this. I felt tears in my eyes. I hesitated before answering.

"..I had a job interview." I mumbled. Clay groaned, it was an annoyed one. Shit.

"Speak up! Got damnit y/n!" Clay shouted louder. His voice was the same as before but more loud and rough. The tears escaped my eyes. I hung up.

Why was I crying over some boy? I never cried over a boy like this. I called Alex.

"Hey y-why are you crying? Are you ok? Do you want me to come over?" Quackity spoke calmly. I nodded slowly. He smiled a bit.
"Ok, can you share your location with me?" I once again nodded. Quackity smiled and ran to a car...I heard some other voices. I shared the location with Quackity. He stayed on call.


"Y/n! Some boys are here for you!" Felix yelled. He paused before adding , "do you want me to let them in your room?" I sighed and mumbled a "sure". Next thing I knew people jumped on my bed. I looked up to see Felix with a worried smile. He then shut the door. He trusts me.

"Are you ok?" Alex asked me. I sighed and shook my head no. He pouted and gave me a hug. Well, technically he was cuddling me. We both stayed like that before I heard a British accent speak.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" I sat up to see George. I never really was close to George like I was with other people. I shrugged.

"Can you tell us what happened..?" Alex spoke quietly. I nodded and sighed. I then laid back down by Quackity.

"Clay, he yelled at me. Just because I missed school. He continued to yell at me. It hurt. I never heard his voice so rough and loud.." water started getting in my eyes again. Shit.

"Well fuck him! You have us!" I then felt another body hug me. I giggled to see Sapnap and Karl hugging me. George just left. I guess he didn't really like me.

"Thank you guys..what's up with George?" I asked after he fully left. Sapnap was the one who spoke.

"He kind of has a crush on Dream. They got into a fight..and I guess he was just pissed off when you answered his call. George really loves Dream.." Sapnap's voice got quiet. Oh shit.

"Why did they get into a fight?" I asked. Silence was what I got from the three. Great. I groaned and was about to get up when Karl spoke.

"Dream yelled at George that he likes you! And George left the house because he..he's jealous and mad at you!-" Karl put his hand over his mouth. "Shit." Karl mumbled and immediately got up. Alex followed as he and Karl ran out of my room. Probably to the car.

"I'll speak to George and Dream..I'm sorry y/n. But why weren't you at school?" He asked after a while.

"I got a job interview. I got the job." I mumbled. Sapnap hugged me. He gave me a huge smile.

"Congratulations! I'm proud of you!" He spoke. I giggled. I mumbled a 'thank you.' He then left. Alone again.

——————————————————————————————854 words:)

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