Chapter 1

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Ethan's POV:

"Ethan, wake up! We have school soon! I don't want to be late again!" I groaned and rolled over in my bed as I tried to ignore my sister Melanie. "Go away, Mel. Just get mom to drive you and Mason to school! I'll walk." "Ok. I'll tell mom and dad. I don't think they're going to be happy." I could just see her smirk as she walked out the door. I just realized that if she told them, I'd be in so much trouble. Yea, you might be wondering if I'm the future Alpha, why am I not Mr. Perfect. Let's just say, nobody is perfect. I'm not a trouble kid if that's what your thinking. I may get into fights, but that's because the bully picks on me first! Ok, Ok, maybe sometimes they don't pick on me. But they pick on my siblings. Especially Mason. He is weak and scared of practically everything. I'm just defending them. Well, I got out of bed and into my clothes faster than you can say, Who's who?. Yea, I get that question a lot so it's on my brain. You see, Melanie, Mason, and I are triplets. We are fraternal but sometimes, people say we look alike and some can't tell us apart. Except for Mel. She is easy to tell apart from Mason and I. Anyway, as soon as I was dressed, I ran out of my room and down the stairs as fast as my legs would carry me. "Morning mom! Morning dad!" I said calmly. Melanie looked disappointed. Mom and dad, looked happy that they didn't have to threaten to take away my phone if I didn't get up. "Good morning, Ethan. Have you got everything?" I nodded. "Your lunch?" It's in my-" "Son, it's on the counter." my dad interrupted. Oops. "Now, where's your backpack? Do you have your homework and books?" Oh man! I forgot my backpack! Not to mention my homework. Yea you might be thinking, When they take away his phone he get's all this done. And your right. I ran up the stairs and grabbed my backpack and stuffed my books inside. I just won't tell them I forgot to do my homework. That'll work right? It worked till I got in class and the teacher asked for our homework. Mason and Melanie looked at me shocked when I didn't hand her my homework. They were there when I told mom and dad that I had it. I NEVER lied to them. I learned the hard way that it's not good to lie. Sooo, yea, I'm in trouble. Why? Because I was sent to detention. Again! And the principal called my parents. Yep, nice. I need to shape up. I'm twelve! In three years I'll be old enough to shift for the first time, and find my mate! My mate I knew might not like how I get into trouble a lot. So, I decided to try and change. When I finally got home after detention, I ran past my mom and dad who were calling after me in an angry tone. I wasn't ready for their little talk just yet. "Mason, Mel! I need your help!" I burst into the room we shared. "if it's to help you get out of trouble, we can't help. Sorry bro." Melanie giggled. I glared at her. I mean it, she liked to see me get into trouble. "It's not about that, Mel. I want you to help me get my act together." "What do you mean?" Mason asked. He was pretty quiet. He wasn't much for social activities either. He never liked being the center of attention. "I want you to help me become what I should be. Instead of a kid who gets into trouble a lot." Melanie smiled. "Ok, I think we can do that. But you have to do everything we say! Got it?" I nodded. "Ok, how about we start with you facing up to your punishment from mom and dad." I gulped. If I was gonna do this, I had to commit. Oh, can't I commit later?! I turned around and walked downstairs. "Mom, dad, I'm sorry I lied and got detention." "We forgive you, son. But you understand how disappointed in you were are right?" mom went up to me and knelt down to my height. I nodded. I did'nt like to make mom upset that was one reason I didn't lie to my parents. It made mom sad. "Son, you understand we still need to punish you right?" "Yes dad. And I'm ready for it. Ready face it like a man." I only hoped they wouldn't take away my phone, laptop and/or my cookies. Mom sighed. "You are grounded, Ethan. Please hand me your phone. I will come up soon to get your laptop." Good going, Ethan. You made you mom upset. Ugh! I really need to get in shape. I handed her my phone and apologized again. "Can I go now? I need to clean my room." My mom and dad looked at me like I had lost my mind. "Son, do you fell alright? Should I get the thermometer?" My mom asked me feeling my forehead. I laughed. "I feel fine, mom. I just want to clean my room." I made them stare at me in shock again..great. I went up the stairs quickly while they stood there looking at me. Yes, I'm not one of those people who likes to clean my room. My room is almost always messy. Usually I get one of my siblings to do it. I went into our room and smiled victoriously at Melanie who looked shocked. "You did it? What did they give you?" she asked. "I'm grounded. And while I'm in here, I'm going to clean up my corner." Mason and Melanie looked at me the same way mom and dad looked at me. I just ignored them and went over to my bed to make it. We shared a room, so we each had our own corner. After I had straightened the navy blue bedspread, I went around the corner picking up my stuff and putting them away. Finally finished. Now all I had to do was do my homework. "Ethan! Mason! Mel! Come play with me!" I looked up to see my little brother Cole. "Ok, little brother." I said getting up from my desk chair. Melanie and Mason smiled. They enjoyed playing with Cole as much as I did. We played until it was time for dinner. Then, we raced each other down the stairs and to the dinner table. "When will you kids learn not to run in the house?" mom asked us as we sat down. "Sorry mom. I won't do it again." I told her. She stared in surprise at me. But, I could tell she was happy I was behaving myself for once. Yes! After dinner I helped mom with the dishes. She was really grateful and strangely enough I felt happy doing it. After that, we spent the rest of the evening watching tv together. I didn't know at the time, that Melanie, Mason, and I were going to get a visit from somebody that we never knew in person, but knew about very well. We were never going to be the same. It was a good thing I decided to change!

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