Chapter 9

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June's POV:

Ethan led me to his pack house and we went inside. "Mom! I have some one I want you to meet!" He shouted. "Who is it, son?" I saw a pretty, dark haired woman enter the room. She didn't smell like a wolf. I wondered what she was..and if she would accept me. All my life, I have had problems with being accepted. At school, in my family, almost everywhere I went, I had to live without being accepted. "Mom, this is June. My mate." He smiled as he introduced me. "It's nice to meet you ma'am." I said bowing my head in respect. "Thank you, dear. I am pleased to meet you as well. I am Angela, Ethan's mother." I smiled. She seemed so nice and..accepting! "Um, I don't mean to be rude, but..what are you? You don't smell like a were-animal.." I flinched instantly regretting having asked that. "Your right. I'm not a were-animal. I'm a human." My eyes went wide. "I think it's time we tell you..our story. Come, I'll take you to Oliver." I could tell she was hesitant and almost sad at the same time. She led us to a big room and opened the door. Inside, I saw a man in a bed. He had blond hair. "Hey dad. How are you feeling?" The man closed his eyes for a second. "Ehh, I feel like my head was stuck inside a drawer for several days." he stated. I definitely knew how that felt. "I'm sorry." Ethan said. He looked truly concerned for the man. I guess he's his father. "It's fine, son. Now, tell me, who is this lovely young woman you have brought here?" He laughed at the look of his wife. "She is my mate, June." Ethan laughed. "It is an honor to meet you, Alpha." I bowed my head in respect. He smiled. "And I am pleased to meet you as well, June." "Oliver, I think it is time we told them what happened..She knows I am human. And, I feel the children deserve to know." Ethan's mother told him. He nodded and told her to get Melanie, Mason, Lily, Chase, and Cole. "Kids, June, there is something very important we think you need to know." Alpha Oliver stated. "What is it, daddy?" the little boy asked. "Our past. When your mother and I met, and what happened after we met." "What do you mean, papa?" a young girl that looked about twelve asked. "Well, Lily, When we met, we were still in school. I had just found out that your dad, Katy, Rose, Max, and Daniel were were-animals." Luna Angela and Alpha Oliver explained everything. I was shocked. Talk about not being accepted! I could tell that Ethan, an older boy and girl about his age, were shocked as well. I think the girl mind-linked Ethan and the older boy. I now, really wondered if they were gonna accept me. "If you do not want me to be your son's future luna, I understand." "What do you mean? Are you not a wolf?" the tired Alpha asked. I shook my head. It was time for the truth to come out. And I was terrified.."I am not a wolf..I am a....." my voice trailed off. "It's ok, June. I won't ever reject you, no matter what you are." Ethan told me. I was thinking, 'are you sure about that?' Because nobody likes vampires. And I'm sure, that this pack of wolves, is not going to be any different. Even if the Luna and Alpha did go through a lot. "I am a....v-vampire.." I said quietly. "What was that? I couldn't quite here you." Alpha Oliver stated. I gulped, took a deep breath and said so everyone could hear me, "I am a vampire." Everyone around me was looking at me with wide eyes. I think the older girl was wondering if she could trust me. I'm guessing, she's one of those people who read the books and believed them. "I promise, I may be a vampire, but I'm not anything like the book! I agree, their are evil vampires, but some are good." Ethan looked at his parents. The luna turned to me and said, "It's alright. Of course we have read the books, but we believe in giving chances." "Yes, June. And on the behalf of the Silver Star Pack, I would like to welcome you as part of our family. I will have Daniel, my beta, set a date for you to officially join our pack." Alpha Oliver smiled warmly. "Oh my, thank you so much! Though, I have something important to tell you." "What is it?" "In two weeks, my old leader plans to attack you. I think he is your father, Luna. His name is Eunice Harris. He has many, many, many warriors." "What?!" the Alpha, despite the protests of his family jumped out of bed, put on his robe and went to what I assume was his office yelling for somebody called Daniel and Max. I think maybe the Daniel guy was his beta he mentioned. "Mel, Mason, come with me. Meeting in our room. Now. Lily, Chase, Cole, could you please show June around the house? Just don't go into our room. Ok?" The little kids nodded. "I'm sorry I can't show you around myself, but my sister and brother have an important meeting." "That's alright, Ethan." I reassured him and went with the three young kids.

Melanie's POV:

I was shocked when I heard my brother was mates with a vampire. I thought they were evil! But, if mom and dad want to give her a chance, I guess I will too. When I heard that she used to be in the same league as Eunice Harris, I jumped. They were going to attack soon?! Oh no, Oh no! I followed Mason and Ethan into our room for our meeting. "We need to step up our game. We now know when it will take place." Ethan told us. "Yes, but will June be fighting as well?" Mason asked. "I don't want her to. But, I suppose it's only right to give her a choice. If I get lucky, she'll choose not to fight." Ethan giggled. Somehow, I got the feeling she would say she wanted to fight. Most likely, she feels guilty and wants to do something to help. And I was right. When Ethan asked her, she said, "If you let me, I do wish to help fight. I am a good warrior. And I feel bad. I used to be on the enemy's side." "Alright, June. Here, I'll help you train a few minutes. I want to see how good you are." Ethan led her to the field while I went out for a little walk. I suddenly heard something strange when I was at the border of the pack. I looked around but I didn't see anyone. I kept returning and heard those same sounds, but I never saw anyone or anything. Finally, at the end of the week, after dinner, I went back there again that day. I heard the noise as usual but didn't see anything. "Look, if there is somebody there, please show yourself!" I shouted. I waited for several minutes. Then, just as I was about to leave, I saw a rogue wolf come out of the bushes. My wolf, Shine, gasped. "Mine." she said. The rogue shifted and I saw a handsome young man. He had red hair and freckles. "I'm sorry I'm so close to your pack. I wandered here several days ago and saw you. But..I didn't want to come out..I knew what you might think of me..being a rogue and all. But I wasn't always a rogue. I used to be the Gamma's son of the Black Diamond Pack..Until I was kicked out years ago...It was so long ago, I don't remember why I was kicked out." I felt sorry for him. I could tell he was being honest. "I'm so sorry. I will bring you to my father the Alpha. He will give you a chance. At least..I hope he will. I am Melanie by the way. What's your name?" I asked the shy young man. "Really? You..don't want to reject me? But, I'm a rogue!" "I know. But, I have learned that sometimes, just because you are something that is known as evil, doesn't always mean that you are evil. My brother is mates with a vampire. And day after day, she has shown herself to be a kind person. So, I am willing to give you a chance." I smiled at him and he smiled back gratefully. "I'm Grady. And..thank you, Melanie." "No problem, Grady." I led him right to where my father was. He was in his bed, which I'm really glad for. Last time he got out of bed, he almost passed out! So, now we try and keep a close watch on him. Dad looked weak, but he welcomed us warmly. I told him everything, and as I had hoped, he welcomed my mate warmly. So did my mom. I was so glad. I told Grady about the war, and he said that he wanted to help. I didn't want him to, but who was I to stop him? He was a rogue. And rogues are pretty strong and fast. He would be a welcome help in our battle. We didn't know at the time, how grateful we would be to have Grady and June..We didn't know how ugly and dangerous it was going to be at the time.

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