Chapter 2

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Ethan's POV:

That night after we were sound asleep, I was suddenly woken up by a cold breeze on my face. I wasn't in my bed..I was in a field! I saw my sister and my brother beside be. Then I saw her. A beautiful woman dressed in a silvery-white gown. Her hair was silvery and sparkly too. Her eyes were shining and dark blue. As dark as night! She even had a little moon-like mark on her cheek. I got in front of my siblings and growled warningly at her. I don't care how pretty she was. If she hurt my brother and sister, she was dead. "It's alright, Ethan. I shall not harm Melanie or Mason." the woman told me. How in the world did she know our names? And where were we? "I am the moon goddess. You are in my favorite place to speak to wolves." Wait..the moon goddess?! I growled at the moon goddess? Ok, now I'm doomed. "It's alright, Ethan. You are in no trouble. But, soon, your life and the lives of the ones you love and many many more will be in grave danger." "What do you mean, your highness?" Mel asked from behind me. "There is a war coming. It shall threaten not only your lives, but the lives of the ones you love. And many many, more. And I have chosen you three to save all were-animals and human kind." "W-what do you mean, you chose us?? We are just normal kids. We can't do anything. Ethan isn't even Alpha yet!" Mason asked. I could hear the fear in his voice. I for once agreed with him. There was no way we could do anything to stop that war. "Do not fear, Mason. You are not normal kids. You are far more special than you realize. You are the chosen three. The chosen triplets. Your family, pack, humans, and all were-animals need you." "We will do our best, your majesty." Melanie said, bowing. "There is no need to bow to me, Melanie. Now, I must go. Good luck, my children." The next thing I knew I was sitting up in my bed, my eyes were wide and I was sweating. Mel and Mason were in the same shape as me. "Meeting. Now." I said sternly. We got up and sat in the middle of the floor. "So, we all had the same dream, right?" I asked. "I don't think it was a was like..a vision or something." Mel stated. Mason agreed. "Somehow..I think it was real. That was the moon goddess. And we are really gonna fight in a war!!" Mason was trying to stay calm. "It's alright, brother. We will do it together. We will protect each other. Nobody will hurt you or Mel on my watch." I said reassuringly. "So, what do we do? We can't take this warning lightly." Melanie said. "Your right, sis. If we did, I'm afraid all were-kind and humans would fall." "So, we should take it seriously and fight?" Mason asked nervously. I nodded. "If we are in agreement, I say we all start training hard until the time comes. That way, we'll be ready." "I'm in agreement. How about you, Mason?" Melanie looked at Mason. He seemed nervous as he nodded in agreement. "Alright then. It's settled. Tomorrow, we all train harder that we have ever trained before." "I just hope the war will be after we shift and learn to fight in wolf form.." Mason commented. Melanie nodded. "He's right. It would be easier and more effective to fight in wolf form. And we could run away faster." "Yea. But, we don't know when it is. We just have to hope it won't be soon." I said. They nodded and we all said goodnight and headed back to our beds. But I guess we couldn't sleep. Because when I got back up, I saw Mason and Melanie do the same. "Coco?" Mason suggested. "Oh yea!" I said. I really liked coco. Especially with mom's gingerbread cookies. By the time we had finished our snack, it was 2 a.m. We went back upstairs ad crawled into our beds. No matter what it cost me, I was going to protect my sisters, my brothers, my parents, my grandparents, and all creatures. I don't know who I will be fighting in the war, but I will no matter what, do my best to protect the ones I love. As future Alpha of the Silver Star Pack, it is up to me and my brother and sister, to defend all creatures. I could tell Mason was more afraid than usual, and the next day when we trained, I could see it in his fighting. When we fight together, we are strong. Alone, we are practically normal. But, we can't fight together all the time. We must learn to fight strong when we aren't fighting together. At school, Mason was getting bullied more and more. He had changed ever since that vision where we met the moon goddess. He has been more nervous than he's ever been before. I'm honestly scared for him. If he is this way when the battle comes, what will happen to him? The first time I saw him getting bullied today, was the last time he was bullied by those students. I defended him, but made sure I wasn't going to get detention. Every chance I got, I'd defend Mason. But I worry, what if one day, I'm not able to defend him?? What will happen to him? I guess you could say I've become protective of my siblings. But can you blame me? I mean, you just find out that you and you younger siblings are chosen to fight a war and protect all creatures. I don't know if that's you or not, but for me, I don't want anything to happen to my family and siblings.Months passed and there was no sign of war. But that doesn't mean it was all fake. Melanie, Mason, and I could feel it was going to happen one way or another. No matter how much time passed. We knew one thing though, it was going to happen while we were alive. Because we were chosen to save all were-kind and humans. ...I only hope I can succeed in protecting those I love..

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