Chapter 13

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Mason's POV:

I didn't exactly have a good night sleep that night. I kept thinking about Ethan. I really wanted to talk to him..tell him it wasn't his fault. I'm ok! I didn't do it because he told me to or something like that, I did it because I had to. It was of my own accord. The next morning, I saw Desiree hadn't left yet. "Do they really allow you to stay overnight, Des?" She sighed when I called her "Des". "Is everything ok?" She nodded and handed me a sheet of paper. "No, they don't. Every time somebody came in, I hid." I smiled. She was mischievous. I wasn't quite convinced everything was ok with her, but I figured maybe she wasn't ready to talk about herself. At that moment, dad rushed into the room. He looked panicked. "Please tell me Ethan is here!" he exclaimed. Oh no. I shook my head. "No, he isn't here. Why?.." He looked anxious. I was getting concerned. "Dad? What's wrong? Tell me please!" He hesitated. But he finally answered. "Ethan wasn't in his room this morning. We looked all over the house but he wasn't there either. We looked all around the pack and now here! I don't know where he could be..." My eyes went wide. I looked at Desiree who was just as shocked as I was. "Are you saying he's run away?!" Dad nodded. "Yes. We found this note on his nightstand." He handed me a sheet of paper. I read it aloud for Desiree.

"Dear family,

I have decided to run away. I couldn't stand staying knowing what I did. Please don't look for me. Tell Mason I'm sorry. I am sorry to all of you. I am sorry to the entire pack. Please understand I didn't mean for what happened to Mason, to happen. I failed him as a brother. I couldn't protect him. I am a horrible brother..It surprises me that we won the war. Tell June I'm sorry..I want her to stay with the pack. She'll be happy there. Tell her I love her..I love you all. And I love this pack..Goodbye.


I looked up. My eyes were watering. My brother...ran away?! Mel, Ethan, and I promised each other we'd never run away. I know he's not going to be happy out there..but maybe that's the point. He didn't think he deserved to be happy. I slapped my hand on my face. "But I'm ok!!!" I shouted. Oops. I just said that out loud.. "We didn't get a chance to tell him you were ok, son. He was asleep when we returned home last night. Obviously he awoke very early before anyone else this morning." "Have you told June?" "Yes..she hasn't left his room since. She's been in there all day. Crying." I was angry. I immediately got out of that bed and walked over to the wardrobe. With some difficulty and several objections from my dad. In a way, I think Des was proud. I ignored my dad and got dressed. Then, guess who came in? The nurse and doctor. The nurse had my breakfast. I took an apple and the fruit cup from the tray. "Thanks for all the care! Bye!" I walked straight out of there ignoring all the protests and people trying to get me back in bed. I wasn't gonna get back in bed, knowing my big brother was out there, all alone. He wouldn't last two days out there! Dad did it, because he had to. And he had mom with him. Ethan? He doesn't have anyone! Desiree walked out of the room and beside me. "Are you going to tell me to go back?" I asked. She shook her head. I think somehow, she understands what I need to do. I didn't know how I knew that, or what happened to her. Or even if I was right. But, I just kept on going with my mate by my side. I had an idea where he was. So, I went in that direction. He would most likely leave the pack, but there was a spot that we liked to visit as kids. He still liked to go there sometimes. I don't think he'd want to leave without visiting it one last time. We built a special fort there, so if we had to, we could stay there overnight. Even for a few days. It was our secret. Well, Melanie knew too, but she didn't know where it was located because we never took her with us. Desiree had no idea where we were going, but I think she knew that I knew where we were going. So, she just trusted me and followed close behind. "Des, we're here! I don't see Ethan though..He might be inside." She nodded. We quietly made our way towards the fort. Of course I was in pain, but I didn't want to let Des know. And if we found Ethan, I definitely didn't want to let him know that. I winced when I was out of her sight. It hurt really bad! I regained my composure and went inside the small fort. Desiree was right behind me. "Who's there?!" demanded a familiar voice. "Ethan, it's me, Mason. I'm here to bring you home." "Are you a ghost??" his voice quivered in the darkness. "No, brother. It's really me." I could see in the dim light, Desiree was smirking, trying not to laugh. "How is that possible? Your in the hospital. Unconscious!" "I woke up yesterday." "If that's true, what in the world are you doing here out of the hospital?! I thought you were more intelligent than that!" I saw could vaguely see him. "I came to bring you home, Ethan." Ethan didn't reply. "Ethan, don't you care about any of us? About June?" "Of course I do! That's why I'm leaving. Now, please just go away. June will be happier and better off without me.." I sighed. "If that's true, then why did dad burst into my hospital room panicked? Why is June in our room at home crying hard? Why is our entire family and our friends worried sick and scared and upset? And, why would I run away from the hospital, ignore terrible pain, and try and find you? We all love you, big brother. And we want you to come home. You didn't hurt me. It isn't your fault." "J-just leave me alone, Mason!" he yelled. Des came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I nearly fainted, but she managed to get me back to my hospital room. I was hurt. I was really hurt. Was I never going to see my brother again..?

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