Chapter 7

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Mason's POV:

It has been a few weeks since our birthday. It was really fun, and the cake was delicious. Mom always says she can't make cake, but now I know it's not true. I got a weird feeling today, so I got Ethan and Melanie together in our room. I told them I had a strange feeling and they told me that they had the same. Suddenly, the room went dark. Everything around me was pitch black. "Ethan?! Melanie?! Where are you?! I'm scared!" I screamed. "Mason! Don't worry. Follow my voice. You two, Mel! Stay together. I'll protect you!" I could tell my brother was serious. I slowly made my way towards his voice and soon, I could feel my siblings. Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of the room, we saw a bright light. From that bright light, we could see a person. Somehow, we could tell it was the moon goddess. "Your majesty? Pardon my asking, but what is going on?" Melanie asked bravely. "My dears, the war shall soon begin. I am showing you, what shall happen if you fail. For I know you have doubts. It is common, but you must be strong. Trust each other. And trust your mates." "But we haven't found our mates." Ethan stated. I could tell she was smiling. "Ethan, you and your siblings shall soon find your mates. You shall find your mates at different times. Melanie, you are brave and strong. You aren't afraid to take risks. I give you this sword. Use it wisely." Our eyes were wide with shock as a sword appeared glowing in Melanie's hands. "Ethan, you are wise and strong. Your brave but you prefer not to take unnecessary chances. You protect your loved ones from danger. I give you this bow and arrow. Use it well." I watched in awe as a bow and arrow appeared glowing in Ethan's hands. One part of me wanted my own weapon, the other part of me didn't want one at all. "And Mason, you are one who does not like to take any chances. You are afraid, but you are loyal. Mason, trust yourself and your siblings. Everything will turn out alright if you all work together and have faith in each other, and yourselves. Your weapon, Mason, is something you cannot see or touch. Your weapon is your bravery, loyalty, and your mind. Your mind shall tell you what you need to do, and your bravery and loyalty shall help." "B-but, I'm not brave.. I'm just a scared teenage boy.." I said, looking down. Then, I felt something on my shoulder. I looked up only to see the moon goddess right in front of me looking me in the eye! Her hand was on my shoulder. I wanted to run and hide, but I didn't. I couldn't. Part of me "Mason, you are much more than a scared teenage boy. You are far more special than you realize. Trust me my boy, you are very special indeed. I chose you and your siblings for a reason. Do not just abandon your family, your friends, and all were-animals and humans. They need you, Mason. Your brother and sister need you." She said in a serious tone before backing away. "Good luck, children!" She waved before the whole room illuminated in a bright light. We were practically blinded. When it was gone, the room was back to normal. The moon goddess was gone and we weren't standing in a pitch black room anymore. "What just happened?" Melanie asked. "I think, we just figured out how the moon goddess get's in touch with us when we aren't asleep. We get a strange feeling, we get into our room alone, and then she appears. I just hope the room won't go dark every time..." I stated. "Come, we need to do some..research." Ethan told us. I could tell what he had in mind, was not gonna be good. "Look, dad is still in bed because he's not feeling well. Mom is looking after him. Uncle Max and Uncle Daniel are scouting the boarder of the pack. We can sneak into dad's office and look for something we need to know to fight this war." Melanie and I stared at him like he had lost hid mind, which I seriously think he did. "Ethan, are you crazy?! We were told not to go in there. Plus, I thought you wanted to change!" Mel told him firmly. "I do want to change, sis. But we need to do this. We still don't know what we're dealing with and the war, it is going to come sooner than we think. Now, do I have to do this alone, or are you going to help me?" Melanie and I sighed and looked at each other then back at Ethan. "Alright. We'll help you. But let's get one of the twins or Cole to be a lookout." Melanie replied. "Mel, the twins and Cole are with grandma and grandpa. But, Aunt Rose and Aunt Katy are here with Hayden and Emma. I think they are with mom in the bedroom. Maybe one of us can go get Emma and Hayden." I suggested. "Fine. Mason, you go get Hayden and Emma. Ask if they can be our lookout and tell them to let us know if anyone is coming." I nodded and went quietly upstairs. I knocked on the door and mom answered it. "Mason, shh. Your dad finally fell asleep." "Ok, sorry mom. How is he feeling?" I asked. Mom shook her head. I knew something was really wrong, but I didn't say it. I changed the subject because I knew mom was too upset to talk about it. "Um, I wondered, could Emma and Hayden come play with Mel, Ethan, and I? It's a little lonely without Lily, Chase, and Cole." I could see Aunt Rose and Aunt Katy smile and nod. "Sure, go ahead. Have fun. But be quiet. Alright?" I nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Come on guys!" I lead them downstairs and towards dad's office. "Emma, Hayden, we want to look for something in our dad's office. Can you be our lookouts? Just let us know if somebody is coming." Ethan asked them. "Ok, Ethan. We can do that." Emma replied. She was a year younger than us, and she was really nice. But, I think she has a problem saying no. We went inside and closed the door. We looked and looked, until we found something I never wanted to find.

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