Chapter 3.

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"Ah the smell of drunk and sweaty people, it's so-"

"Disgusting," Ally cringed earning a laugh from her friends.

"Well soon enough you'll be one of those disgusting people," Dinah chuckled, "Let's shake some ass girlies!"

Ally followed the girls inside the bar and had her arms linked with Tori's, her older cousin had decided to join them before she goes back to Miami to finish filming her music video.

"Ally you're looking so good in this outfit," Ariana complimented and delivered a sharp smack to Ally's ass, earning a smack behind her head by the same girl. "So violent, damn."

Ally just smiled, "Thanks for the compliment, Ari."

Though her outfit wasn't a party outfit, she made it work. She was wearing a skin tight dress with a cardigan fashionably worn over it and leather boots that Dinah bought for her that cover half her toned legs with her hair let down and her make up neutral, she looked really good accompanied with Lauren's leather jacket.

"You really do look good tonight," Tori chuckled as they walked in their booth, sitting down comfily.

"Why thank you, I'm a quite a fashionista myself," Dinah chuckled and watched as their drinks were set down.

"It's not always you, Dinah," Ariana rolled her eyes, "I handled her make up."

"Yeah but I handled her outfit, I got the bigger portion of this- whatever this is," Dinah scoffed, the two then ended up in another banter.

"Girls it's my body, I'm the one wearing the items you guys made me wear therefore it's about me tonight," Ally grinned, "I got the charm as well."

Dinah and Ariana scoffed and shook their heads, "Cocky gremlin."

"Takes one to know one," Ally took a sip of her drink, her face then scrunching up when she realized she drank vodka.

"I don't like the taste," Camila whined and handed Lauren her vodka, her and Ally shared the same drink so Ally pushed her drink to Tori who sat next to her.

"I'll get y'all some wine then," Tori laughed and walked towards the bar.

"While we wait, let's dance Canola!" Ariana cheered and stood up, pulling Camila along with her to the sea of drunk people.

Ally just swayed to the beat as she waited for Tori and her drink while Dinah and Lauren started doing shots next to her. Her eyes wandered around the club when she got bored of the banter her two friends had, now her attention was on a person that was sitting casually in their own booth not far from her and the girls. She could tell the person was staring her down with how their eyes kept still on to her and Ally felt both shy and bold, she knew she had caught a lot of people's attention but none of them caught hers except this person.

The person was wearing a white sleeved button up with pants, two of her buttons undone and showed off some cleavage. Her hair was in a neat ponytail, her face calmly facing her way but her eyes saying otherwise. Ally felt herself growing hot under the woman's gaze and it caused her to shift in her seat, the woman still hadn't noticed that Ally caught her staring and she couldn't help but feel her confidence growing by how much attention she earned from the person.

"Bitch make a move or I'll do it for you," Ally jumped in her seat and turned her face up front to see Tori smirking at her, her red wine already in front of her face.

"What do you mean?" Ally asked, taking a small glance back at the woman to see her smiling cheekily her way. Ally couldn't help but blush as she turned back to look at her cousin.

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