Chapter 8

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Normani was sweating bullets as she was driven towards the Hernandez's house, she was nervous and scared. She didn't know how she'd act around the family or even break the news to Ally once they'd meet, she didn't know how she mustered up enough courage to even say yes to the arrangement. She wasn't ready.

"You did this to yourself now put your big girl pants on and deal with it." Zendaya rolled her eyes and watched as Normani nervously wiped the sweat from her forehead. Thank God for water proof make up or Normani would have looked a mess.

"I'm not ready, Daya," Normani breathed in and checked the GPS, they were exactly 52 minutes away from the house.

"Bitch, you made a decision not to pull out." Zendaya scoffed. "You can handle this, I'll be there too since Dinah wanted me to meet her own family, you don't see me sweating."

Normani looked down on to Zendaya's shaking legs and snorts, "Sure, jazzy feet."

"Okay yeah, maybe I am nervous but we gotta keep our cool if we want to have a good impression on them." Zendaya states.

"Didn't you and Dinah just started dating? Why are you suddenly so serious about this?" Normani asked, trying to change the topic.

"We've been dating since last year and made it official on the New Year's Eve party. You weren't there around the time everything happened since you celebrated with your family." Zendaya answers.

"Oh, so how long exactly have you guys been dating?" Normani asked.

"Eight months." Zendaya sighed. "Do you think we're both being too forward with the parent thing? Are we going too fast?"

Normani blinked. "N-No I don't think so. I mean, if two people are naturally in love then whatever pace they're going is more than okay, you guys both know what y'all want right? You lasted eight months and still going strong, that says a lot."

"But what if eight months isn't enough?" Zendaya glances at the girl, her grip on the wheel tightening.

Normani then realizes this wasn't how the conversation was supposed to go. It was supposed to distract both of them, that backfired way too fast. "I-I think it is? Zen, not a lot of couple last eight months without nearly breaking up. Y'all are stronger than any couple I've met and that should say something. Everything us totally gonna be fine."

Zendaya breathes and nods, letting go of the wheel and slumping in her seat. "Good cause we're here."

That's when Normani realizes the car was already parked. "What- How the hell did- when did we end up here? How long-"

She looks up at the fairly large beige themed house.
"I may have floored it when we started talking about my relationship?" Zendaya squeaked out. "Which was why I kept the conversation going because I knew you'd freak out if you realized we were going at full speed."

Normani blinked at her and then lets out a heavy breath. "We could have crashed. . ."

"Yeah yeah, thanks for that ted talk but we gotta go." Zendaya says and steps out the car. Normani followed.

"Shouldn't we be- no? Okay." Normani quickly follows the girl up to the house's doorstep. Zendaya inhaled and exhaled. "Yeah you got this, girl. You got this. You're Zendaya Coleman, the hottest piece of stick to ever exist."

Zendaya turned to glare at Normani to shut her up. Normani just gave a sheepish smile. "I just wanted to cheer you on."

Zendaya shook her head and pressed the doorbell.

"Pregnant by a Billionare." [Normally]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن