Chapter 5.

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"I'm pregnant."

Silence resided in the room for what felt like an hour to Ally, she closed her eyes to stop the tears as her body started shaking. She was scared of how the girls would react, she too was shocked, scared even. She hadn't thought about being a mom this early, she had no idea how to be a mom yet.

"I'm gonna be an aunt," Ally opened her eyes to see Camila smiling, wiping a tear away. "I'm gonna be an aunt, Ally."

Having nothing to say, Ally just nodded and looked at the others in the room.

"A little Ally," Lauren breathes out, "We're having a little Ally."

"Oh my gosh, you're having a bun in the oven," Dinah chuckles unbelievably.

"I-Do you guys not hate me?" Ally bit her lip.

"What? Of course not, Ally. It's taking me half my strength not to scream right now. We're having a new addition to the family, a baby Ally," Ariana exclaimed, "We'd never hate you for that."

"Yeah babe," Lauren smiled, "This is a blessing from God, a mini you is inside you, growing as we speak. You turned us into aunt's and a godmother, anger is out of the picture."

"Dinah?" Ally looked at the still shocked girl.

"C-Can I. . . " Dinah gestured to her stomach, Ally didn't know why but she nodded and walked to sit on the bed.

Dinah knelt on the floor and pressed her hand on Ally's stomach, whispering sweetly to it. "Hey there buddy, it's me your aunty DJ. You're mama is kinda scared at the moment but don't worry, we'll care for her while you grow in there. Boy you're gonna be spoiled so much when you come out, I'm gonna be your favorite aunt just you see."

Ally's lips quivered, seeing her girls around her with smiles on their faces was overwhelming her. "I- I'm not sure about this."

"Why not?" Lauren asked, walking up towards her and kneeling next to Dinah.

"Ally, if you're scared of the thought, don't worry because we're here to help you through it. We're family, we got your back," Ariana smiled and rubbed the girls back soothingly.

"It's not that, I know you guys will be there for me but what about the baby? I'm a premie so there's a chance the baby will be too, I barely survived when I was born. . ." Ally bit her lip, leaning on to Ariana as her body started growing weak in exhaustion. "I know I'm capable of supporting for a child but how capable and I really? I've never cared for an actual infant before, I'm the youngest and I never got to see my nephews and nieces as a baby. I don't know how to-"

"Ally, maybe we'll talk about this later. For now you should sleep, babe. It's bad for the baby if you're in this state," Lauren smiled and signalled Camila to set the bed.

Ally nodded and was helped by Normani and Ariana to lie down, as soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep.

The girls smiled at her peaceful state and slowly filed out the girls room, Dinah lead them to the backyard and as soon as they got out they all fell in a festive party.

"I'm gonna be an aunt, I'm gonna be an aunt!" Camila cheered, jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh, we have a baby," Ariana clapped and hugged the girl. "A new addition to the family, isn't that great?"

"It is, the little kid is gonna be so spoiled," Lauren giggled.

"But who's the dad?" Ariana stopped her little dance and the question silenced the others.

"Who's the last person she slept with?" Camila asked nervously.

"Oh now you think about this?" Dinah raised her brow, "Only Ally knows who."

"Pregnant by a Billionare." [Normally]Where stories live. Discover now