Chapter 7.

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Two days before the dinner, all the Hansens were gathered in Ally's backyard. Congratulating her for her pregnancy and celebrating her finally finished sequels launch, the house was a festive mess to say the least.

"Boy, is Zendaya gonna be in for a treat once she realizes she'll be meeting a village tomorrow," Camila chuckles as she carries the youngest Hansen around while picking up some fruits from the table.

Ariana laughs, "She'll be sweating Niagara falls if she found out before hand."

"Either way, she'll be a nervous wreck," Lauren cackles and Dinah bites her lip, the thought scaring her a bit. After accidentally revealing to her parents that Ally was pregnant and that she had a girlfriend, her whole family decided to celebrate it at Ally's and made sure to visit the Hernandez for the dinner at Sunday. Now she told Zendaya about this but leaving out how big her family was, Zendaya was suprisingly chill and agreed to join Normani for the dinner.

Ally notices the look and hugs her, "It could get worse, like her backing out. Don't worry though, that won't happen on our watch."

"Wow, so reassuring," Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Are you all dating girls?" Kamila asked as she passed by them to grab herself another plate of macaroni.

"Kind of," Lauren shrugged.

"Is Ally dating a girl too?" She asks further but then stops, "Oh right, she's pregnant."

Ally laughs again and was pulled back by Milika, she smiles and hugs the woman. "Congrats on the baby, Allyson."

"Thanks Mama H," Ally giggles and her hand goes to her stomach. "I didn't really expect this reaction from any of you at all."

"Oh don't worry, a family as big as us. It's bound to be normal for some girls getting pregnant and being single moms, that doesn't change a thing at all," Milika kisses her cheek, obviously drunk already.

"Again, thanks for celebrating this with me," Ally smiles and watches as the woman goes back to talk with her parents.

"Ally Ally Ally," Regina, another sibling of Dinah comes running towards her. The girl was just a year younger than Kamila, both were teens. "Name the baby after me, okay? I want another Regina in the family, please tell me you'll name her after me."

Ally chuckles, "We don't even know if it's a girl yet but we'll see about that."

"Yeah Reg, besides I'm sure Ally would name it a better name than yours. I mean who wants to name anyone Regina," Vakka chuckles and Regina punches him in the stomach.

"At least I'm not ugly," The girl runs off after hugging Ally.

"You really need to stop annoying your sister," Ally chuckles and the boy just shrugs.

"It's fun," Vakka turns around and walks away with a whistle, Ally shakes her head and turns back to the girls.

"But seriously, you should write something less angsty," Camila says, talking about Dinah's preferred genres.

"What's so wrong about my genre, Camila?" Dinah looks at the girl, offended.

Camila rolls her eyes, "Almost every book you've written always had one of the best characters dying and the side characters having the happily ever after instead of the main couple. Switch it up and write me a lighter theme for once."

"First off, I write for my readers, emphasis on the 'readers' because you're not the only one. Also, romantic stuffs are Ally's forte not mine," Dinah takes a bite on a cake, baked by Ally and Lauren.

Ally looks at Ariana and Lauren who were stuffing themselves while watching the argument unfold. She smiled at her friends and turned back to Dinah when she heard her name, "Hey! I can write angst too."

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