Chapter 6.

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"Is she gonna be okay, Doc?" Lauren asked, combing her friend's hair as she watched Ally's sleeping form on the hospital bed.

"Yes she will, she must have just been overwhelmed. But since she's pregnant you might have to make sure she doesn't get overwhelmed like this at all," Doctor Ramirez smiles, "She should also really get a doctors appointment for her and her baby though, I can suggest Doctor Clarkson for her."

"We will, thank you," Lauren nodded and the doctor soon left the room.

Lauren and Dinah had just arrived at the same time Ally fainted, Lauren being the overprotective person she was over the girl quickly scooped Ally's body and brought her straight to the hospital despite Patricia assuring her the girl would be okay.

"Told you she'd be okay," Patricia chuckled, she was sitting from the other side of the bed.

"I was just worried," Lauren sighed, "What happened anyways?"

"She started overthinking like she always does," Patricia rolled her eyes, "Something about her child's other parent being intersex and possibly getting other girls pregnant like she did or maybe the person was already married and such."

"Oh about that," Lauren smiled nervously. "I found who the supposed father is."

"Really? Who?" Patricia asked, in all honesty she could care less about the father. Her daughter was more than enough to be a full on parent, she raised her child well after all.

"I'm assuming you know Normani Kordei?" Lauren says.

"Well yeah, I have a few of her designed clothes," Patricia chuckled, "If she's the father or mother, then I supposed Ally would be in good hands."

"You're not worried?"

"Why would I? My daughter is a strong and independent woman despite her soft personality, it's her decision whether she'd want Normani to take responsibility or not," Patricia smiled, "I'll just be there to do my job which is to support her."

"I'm glad you didn't freak out," Lauren chuckled.

"No but you did," Patricia teased.

"Oh stop it Mama Pat," Lauren rolled her eyes, "Anyways, Dinah and I met up a while ago with Normani and she said she wanted to meet Ally, apparently she was the only girl she had had a one night stand with without a condom or the only one night stand she had at all and wants to take responsibility for the child. She just found out today that she could indeed get someone pregnant and she quickly remembered Allyson so she reached out to ask for help to be introduced with her."

"And what seems to be the problem in this situation?" Patricia asked.

"I don't know how to introduce them, I mean she said it was okay over dinner but how would Ally react? If this is how she handles things when overwhelmed - fainting- then I know for sure this plan will backfire," Lauren bit her lip, nervous and a bit stressed.

"You know the way you worry about Ally is making me think you actually like her as more than a friend," Patricia raised a brow, "Do you, Lauren?"

Lauren's eyes widened, "I-I mean I did have feelings for her back then but it didn't really last long seeing as she acts more of a mother to me. I'm just- Ally has been there for me ever since we properly met at that library. She helped me get through most of my hardships and I didn't get to help much when she went through with hers since she had you to run to. I just feel like I need to repay her for the kindness and care she's shown me and for her big help in shaping myself into who I am today."

"I see," Patricia smiled, "Ally always told me she only wanted what was best for you girls and would have gladly adopted the four of you, she told me this back when you guys were in highschool. My daughter cares for you and your happiness and I'm grateful you three didn't take advantage of her kindness, instead you reciprocated it towards her."

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