Repair This Machine With Unsteady Hands

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I heard him say sorry. I couldn't let him back in that easily. He really hurt me and pretty much left me to be a single mother. I was up for the challenge of raising my child by myself and if he just expects to waltz back into my life and steal my heart again then he has another thing coming.

"Ashley, I accept your apology, but sorry just isn't enough for what you did. Look at me! I'm fucking knocked up with your child and all you could fucking think about was that I slept with Ricky!" I don't know what happened, I just all of a sudden became infuriated with the man beside me. I was yelling and crying by the end of my rant.

At some point, Ashley had pulled me into his chest and I was now sobbing onto his shirt. He was rubbing comforting circles on my back, I don't know how, but I fell asleep in his arms on a bench. There was only one thought on my mind, that even though Ashley broke my heart and repeatedly stomped on it, I still loved him with every ounce of my heart. I missed the feeling of his arms around me and the kiss he would give me on my forehead before I fell asleep. I loved him still, and I always will, but I can't let him back in that easily. If he wants me back, he has to prove himself.


I heard Marissa's breath grow shallow and came to the realization that she fell asleep. I looked down at her and I was amazed at how beautiful she was. She had the baby bump, which looked adorable on her. Her hair was soft and bright, but it fit her. She was so thin before the baby bump, I don't even know how her stomach expanded that far and she's not even in her third trimester yet. 

I stared for a while and then realized how creepy I probably looked sitting on a bench staring at a sleeping girl. I picked Marissa up and carried her back into the Hot Topic to see if her coworker knew where she lived. I walked in with her softly snoring, which made me aww at her cuteness. 

"What did you do to her?!" Her coworker, Alexa, I think that's her name said. 

"I didn't do anything, she was screaming and crying at me, then she sat down and a few minutes kater she was sleeping. I carried her in here. Do you know where she lives?" I asked.

"Yes, I do, but I don't think she would want you to know. You are the cause of her problems." She said kind of rudely.

I was beyond angry. Who does this girl think she is?

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" I asked in a angry whisper, being careful not to wake up the sleeping beauty in my arms. 

"I'm her best friend! I fixed her when she came here broken, because of your ass!" 

I was pissed, I would never hit a woman, but right now, the urge to punch Alexa in the face was very strong. 

"Tell me where she lives!" I said with gritted teeth. She still refused to give me Marissa's address. How is Marissa sleeping through all of this is beyond me. 

"Ashley, hand Marissa to me, I'll carry her home." CC said. I refused at first, but the stern look on his face convinced me. I handed Marissa to CC and he followed Alexa out of the store. I went to follow them, but Andy and Jake stopped me. I was beyond pissed. 

After, they released me, I ran out of the store and ran to the hotel we were staying at. i was pissed. i ran to my room after getting the key. CC and I were sharing. I screamed, waiting for CC to come back. I was going to try my best to get as much information from him as possible.

The only problem was that night, CC was no where in the room, he never came back from Marissa's.


 I carried Marissa into her apartment and took her into her bedroom. Alexa led me here and then left. She left me alone with Marissa. I couldnt help but to be blinded by the beauty of Marissa. She was absolutely gorgeous. Anyone could fall in love with her. i was not in love with her, however i did have a little crush on her. 

I could treat her way better than Ashley did. Ashley is a great man, but when it comes to women, he is more committed to his dogs then to the relationship. I went to walk out when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I looked down and saw it was Marissa's. 

"Please stay with me CC." She said with pleading eyes. She looked fragile, maybe even broken. I had to say yes. I nodded and crawled in bed with her. We cuddled, but she couldn't go to sleep. I satyed up with her. 

"Why did you want me to stay?" 

"Because I'm tired of the lonely nights." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. 

I don't know what happened but my lips met hers in a passionate kiss. My good side was screaming to stop. Begging me to stop kissing the woman who was pregnant with my best friend's child. The kiss escalated to a full blown make out session. I knew she was vulnerable, sensitive, I should have stopped, but I didn't and neither did she. 

One thing led to another and clothes started to come off. I knew what I was doing, I wanted to stop, she's pregnant for Christ's sake. That night I slept with a pregnant woman, not just any pregnant woman, no, My best friend's soulmate. 

The only excuse for this is that sometimes Evil wins, and no force can fight it. There is no evil greater than lust, after all it is one of the seven deadly sins. 

I'll fix this machine known as Marissa, I will, if it is the last thing I do. 






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