The Start Of Something New

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I laid in bed thinking like I do every other morning before I have to force myself to get up. I actually had plans for today. I had to find a job. I couldn't live in the shelter for the rest of mine and my baby's life. I got up, did the usual, and started my journey.

This isn't the life I planned. I was supposed to be married before having kids, I was supposed to do so much with my life. Maybe I could go back to school for something, but that would have to wait until the little treasure inside of me was born. 

I knew that there was a chance the baby might not be Ashley's, but in my heart, I knew it was,  it sounds cheesy as fuck, but Its true. I went to a bunch of stores that were within walking distance of the shelter. I found nothing that seemed the least bit interesting. If they did, the place immediately rejected me because I was pregnant. After 3 hours, I  felt my hope begin to fail. I sat on some bench by a hot topic, My swollen ankles needed a break.

After a 15 minute break on the bench, I went into the Hot Topic with my head held high. i wanted to seem confident even though I really wasn't. I needed this job and since I kind of had the "look" i was hoping I'd have some luck. I was instantly greeted with a smile. 

"Ello Miss, How may i assist you?" The cashier with a thick accent asked. He was very attractive and looked like he could be in his early 20s. he had bright green eyes, almost as bright as Andy's, but green and a little bit tinted. He had tattoos covering his left arm, but only a few scattered ones on his right arm. I noticed a tattoo that looked similar to Ashley's star on his shoulder, and instantly had a tear build up in my eye. Can't I get a fucking break?!

" was wondering if you guys were hiring?" I asked, desperately trying to not make my voice crack. I pushed the thoughts of Ashley to the back of my brain. 

"I don't know mate, let me go get the manager." He said with a smile and a nod, before walking to the back. He walked back out with a short girl with bright red hair and winged eyeliner. She was wearing a Bring Me The Horizon shirt with ripped skinny jeans and purple knee high converse. She had small purple and black swirl gauges in each of her ears and a thin septum ring. I actually felt intimidated with my dark black jeans and baggy pink maternity shirt compared to her. I had band shirts that I cold have worn, but Hot Topic wasn't the only place I was trying for, so I dressed accordingly. 

"HI, my names Alexa." She said with a bright white smile. She was really pretty. "I heard you wanted to work here?" 

"Yes, I really need a job, and I don't want to seem like I'm begging, but I'm pregnant and I live in a shelter, and I don't want my baby to grow up there." I said in what seemed like one breath. I looked over to her and she gave me a sympathetic smile and motioned for me to follow her to the back. 

We walked in to what I presumed to be her office. The office was filled with posters of bands like Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon, and unfortunately there was a couple of Black Veil Brides. I averted my eyes to somewhere else while I waited for her to speak. 

"Do you have any work experience?" She asked.

"No." I said politely.

"Any criminal record?"


"Address and phone number?" 

"I don't have one," I said. Yes, I lived in a shelter, but they didn't let people in there put it on there work applications. She frowned and asked if i had any form of identification. I gave her my ID and she looked over it. She looked up at me with a smile, 

"You start tomorrow, and please wear something more hot topic like." She said putting air quotes around Hot Topic. I smiled and nodded. "Thank you." I said with a smile. 

"No problem, and if you want, my apartment building has an empty unit beside me. I could probably get you in without you having to pay the deposit and the first months rent up front."

I couldn't hold myself back and I ran up to her and gave her a hug as i cried silently. She put her arms around me and let me cry for a while. I nodded and kept saying thank you. "Your welcome Hun." I smiled at her. This girl could have just saved my life. 

She told me to go get my stuff and meet her back at the store with my bags while she set everything up with the her landlord. I did as I was told and met her back at the store before they closed.  She took us to her apartment building and I was actually really impressed. 

"How am I going to afford this on a hot topic salary?" I asked her with a slight frown. 

"The landlord gives Hot Topic employees low rent in exchange for discounted merchandise." She said smiling. I hugged her again and got out of the car. I walked in and she showed me my unit. She left with a final hug. \

The Apartment actually had a comfy feel to it and it was already fully furnished. It had a small kitchen but it was perfect for only me. The living room was a really nice size and had a pretty good sized HD TV in it. The bathroom was a lot bigger than one person needed.  The master bedroom was a lot bigger than I imagined, There was a smaller room that would eventually be my baby's room. I smiled as I touched my stomach. I can't wait until my little pearl is here. Thats it! If its a girl, I will call her pearl.

 I was completely exhausted after the days search. I took a shower in hot water that seemed like an old friend. The water at the shelter was never this good. I went to go get something to eat and surprisingly there was food in the cupboards. A lot of ramen noodles. Well it looks like I'm eating like this for two weeks. 

Finally, everything was right for once. I know I'll never not love Ashley and I probably won't ever get over him or find someone else, but for now this was my life. 

This is my start of something new.










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