Sometimes You Have to Fall Before You Fly

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I brought the bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey back to my lips and took a large swig. It's been a coupe months since CC and Marissa started dating and honestly, the pain only seems to be getting worse. As soon as CC left again that night, I got on the next flight back to America. I didn't want to be around them, I didn't want to be around anyone. I didn't go back to California, all that's there is the broken pieces of what I used to be. I've made enough money in my lifetime to start a new life.

I decided to move to Pennsylvania. Somewhere no one would find me. I found a cozy ranch house and settled down. I don't go anywhere unless I need to buy food. I have basically become a isolationist. Why do you need people when all they do is hurt and betray you?

I am still madly in love with Marissa, obviously, I can't stop drinking long enough to take a shower most of the time. I'm pretty sure I'll die of alcohol poisoning if I don't cut down and the sad part is, I can't wait for the day it happens.

My phone rang nonstop for the first month or so of moving here, and I never answered. I never called anyone, except my grandparents, but nevertheless, I never told them where I moved. I never answered any of the guys or their girlfriends. I look at the texts but I don't respond. I haven't been on any of my social media since I left either, and the fans freaked out for a while, but the "Where are you?" tweets dwindle in number as the days goes on. The texts from my friends have dwindled to, although there is still a few each day.

I finally found the energy to get up and go get food. I decided to make pancakes, because it's never a bad time for pancakes. I walked to the kitchen and as I reached in the cupboard, I heard my phone ding. The notification read One new message from Marissa <3. I opened it and immediately ran out the door and made my way to the airport. I would come back later for my stuff.


I moved back to California after Black Veil Brides finished their tour in the England. They had to cancel the first couple shows after Ashley went missing. They eventually found someone that was almost as good as Ashley to finish the tour. After the tour was over, the guy was let go and we began our search for the missing bass player. It took a few weeks but we were able to track his phone. I don't think he realized we could do that. We didn't go visit him because we figured he needed his time to heal but after a few months, we started to get worried. We knew he read our texts, but he never once replied.

As for me and CC, our relationship is going downhill I love him and I think he loves me, however I feel like he's drifting as I get closer to my due date. We haven' been able to be intimate in a while because my protruding stomach gets in the way. I've noticed he's been sneaking out late at night and not coming back for hours. I confronted him a few times about it and he either shrugs it off or says he had to go to the studio. I know he's not going to the studio because I talk to Riley everyday and she lives with Andy and everyday she asks him and he says the same answer, Black Veil Brides is not recording an album without Ashley Purdy on bass.

I sighed as I saw CC walk in the door with his hair messed up and clothes slightly disfigured.

"Where have you been?" I asked, expecting no answer or a stupid answer. He just shrugged and I sighed again.

"CC, we need to talk, like now." I said sadly yet stern so he got the message. He sat beside me but didn't attempt to touch me or anything. I don't even think I love him anymore.

"Where have you actually been going at night?" No answer. "CC!"

He jumped and walked away. I was beyond livid. I texted Riley to ask if I could stay with her. After she replied, I ran upstairs and grabbed my suitcase. CC was standing by the door watching. I finished packing. Neither one of us said a word as I walked to the door. I went outside just as Andy pulled up in his black car. I got in and we were off.

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