New Tour and old feelings

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These last few months have been absolutely terrible. I've been trying to forget about her, the guys have tried to help, but it's no use. I can't become who I once was without her.

Black Veil Brides are still together and we're still rocking. I'm trying to keep my head in the game and focus on bass. We're having a new tour in just a few days. It's a pretty big tour, and the first part is in England and the surrounding places. Hopefully the tour will help clear my mind and distract my mind from thinking about "her."

Tonight, me and the guys are having our before tour dinner at some fancy and over rated restaurant. Riley is of course going with us. Her and Andy have been getting really close lately. Andy is still with Juliet, but the spark between them seems to be going dim. I've seen the way he looks at Riley though, it's the same way he used to look at Juliet. They would make a cute couple, but the fans would go nuts, they love Juliet and Andy together. I don't care who he dates, either way he would still be happier than i am. I let out a sigh and started heading up the stairs to my bathroom to take a shower for the dinner.

The room itself holds so many memories of her. I looked at her side of the bed and sighed again. I felt a pang of guilt and sadness stab me in my heart. O shouldn't have said those things. I cheated on her and she was willing to forgive me, why couldn't I do the same. I walked over to her night stand and opened the drawer, it was completely empty, except a necklace in the way back, that i assumed she just left. I haven't touched the stand since before the first time she left me. I grabbed the necklace and threw it in my already packed suitcase. It was going to be my good luck charm.

I got a towel and started mu way to the master bathroom and did my shower. I got out and got dressed. Just a typical Ashley Purdy outfit. A top from my clothing line, tight leather pants, and a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. I teased my hair and realized i still had about an hour before i had to leave. I turned on the TV and watched some Criminal Minds for a half hour before I had to leave.

I walked in to the restaurant with some fancy name and found the guys almost immediately. I walked over and sat beside Riley. I greeted everyone and the waitress came over and took my drink order. I ordered a cold cock whisky with ice.

We got our food when i realized Juliet wasn't here. "Hey Andy, where's Juliet?"

"She's at home, complaining about what a shit boyfriend i am." He said kind of angrily.

"Oh sorry bro, let me know if you wanna talk about it." I spoke back and he just nodded. We started talking about the tour and what landmarks we wanted to see. We obviously wanted to check out the brand new and first Hot Topic in England. We made small talk for the rest of the dinner and then afterwards the guys wanted to go to a bar. I wanted to go, but I would probably end up doing something stupid and regrettable and hate myself for the rest of my life. I politely passed on the drinks and went home.

It was 8 at night when I walked in my house. My dogs immediately attacked my feet when they realized who I was. I awed at them and ruffled their ears, causing them to pant their thanks and run off chasing each other. I laughed and went to the fridge. I may not have went to the bar with the guys, but that doesn't mean I couldn't drink at home. I got a glass out of the cupboard and grabbed the Jack Daniels I grabbed from the fridge a moment ago. I poured the drink and went to sit on my black leather couch. I started the xbox and realized Jake was online, so him and i played Call Of Duty for a while, and them i finished packing the doggy bags and my bags for tomorrow for the start of tour. I had to take the dogs to my grandparent's house early, then catch our flight to the UK. I crawled into bed and went to sleep with thoughts of Marissa and the dogs at my feet and by my head.

I woke up at 4:30 the next day and did my usual routine, shower, makeup, etc. i got dressed and took the dogs to my grandparents and then i was on my way to the airport for the start of the Black Mass Tour. I arrived two hours before the flight and found the guys. After passing security, we waited for 45 minutes for our flight to be called, and then we were to England. The plain ride was extremely boring, all i did was tweet and play games on my phone the entire time. We finally landed and i was so happy to see ground again. we called a cab and went to the hotel where we would be staying this week before the tour started and where our tour bus was parked. We all went to our designated rooms and slept off the jet lag. We would be sightseeing tomorrow and sound checking. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to a pounding at my door. I knew who it was, because he would be the only one that would pound on the door like that. Fucking CC , can't he give me a break, Jesus Christ, its 7 in the morning. I groaned and eventually got up to answer the door to find all the guys dressed and ready. i sighed again and got ready to. We all went to some restaurant and ate breakfast. We finished eating and called a cab. We decided to go to the mall first, then check out the new Hot Topic. We spent two hours in the mall and walked to the Hot Topic that was just a couple blocks away.

We walked in the store and my eye caught the sight of the cashier. She had bright red hair, gorgeous eyes...

And a baby bump...

I knew those eyes anywhere...

Marissa was 10 feet away from me.

My Great aunt died on Thanksgiving and updating Wattpad was the least of my worries. I'll try to update again during my winter break! You guys should read my Jinxx fanfic!!!






A Love I Can't Erase (Sequel to WBTS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora