Chapter 1

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Isaac is now 16 years old


I always get ask the same question. What is like being MGK's son? You want to know the truth? It fucking sucks. I hate it. Ever since I was 12, I have being trying to get out of being MGK's son and be Isaac instead, it never fucking works. Every day at school I'm meeted by his fans, who want me to get stuffed signed by him. I HATE it.

I wake up another day of being MGK's son, thank god today is a weekend and my girl is coming over. I head to the shower asnd get changed into a Hollister black crew neck that says California, some black jeans and my black Nike's. I check my look in the mirror, its perfect just need one more thing. My Rolex watch my dad gave me for my birthday. I head downstairs and see my beautiful mother cooking breakfast. No matter how old  she gets she is always beautiful. I walk up to her and give her a hug and compliment her on her outfit. 

"Thank you, Isaac." She kiss my forehead

"Mom, is it cool if Shayla comes over?"

"Sure, why not. Oh you sister is coming over for dinner tonight." I get excited. I haven't seen my sister Casie in forever!

"Sweet. Mom, why didn't you ever have anymore kids?" She gives me a puzzled look. 

"Well, I went threw a lot with you. I didn't get to take you home till you were two months old. I was so scared. Then your father was always on tour or too busy. So I made the decision that you were going to be my one and only angel. " She smiles. I could see the sadness in her eyes. I know she wanted more kids. God, the old I get the more I see how much my mom went threw and how much my father treated her like shit. She joins me at the table and we eat breakfast.

"Where's dad?"

"Downstairs in the studio with the guys."I look at her,I love her more than anything. She raised me single handed awhile my dad was living up his career. I get up and cleaned my plate.

"Hey mom, can we have a mom son day tomorrow?" I see her smile

"Of course we can." 

"Okay. I'm going to go pick up Shayla. I love you." I grab my car keys and jump in my car and speed to Shayla's. I see her come out, she is like an angel. She jumps in my car and we speed back to my house.

"Do you have it?"

"Of course baby. I got some last night."  I grab her hand and smile.

We got back to my house and race up to stairs to my room. I get a book and see pull it out her pocket. I pour it on the book and chop it fine. She goes first and snores it up, her eyes start watering and I go next. As soon as I snore it up and it hits my brain and feel a huge rush, it's great. Like a mini escape from real life. I clean off the book, grab Shayla, and cuddle her as we watch a movie. Shayla falls asleep in my arms and slowly move her and head down to where my father was. As I walk down to the basement, I see my mother on the couch reading a book. I slow and quietly walk down the stairs and head into my father recording studio hoping he won't see that I'm high.

"Hey dad."

"Whats up?" He says not even turning around.

"I was wondering if we could have a chill out day some day. I wrote some rhythms down." He turn around and I see a smile on his face.

"Yeah,sure. How about later tonight after dinner." I get happy, it's been so long since me and my dad chilled. I start to head out.

"I love you Isaac."

"I love you too." I head back upstairs and Shayla is up getting some more ready for me. This time, I go first and Shayla follows. Wow this high is even better. I start to kiss Shayla and I start feeling funny. 

"Shay, I don't know if I'm okay something is wrong."

"You're fine babe." Soon I feel my breathing slow down and I was blacking in and out of concession. I see Shayla panic and scream for my mom.



What you guys think? I hope you enjoyed. Picture is of Shayla

xoxo Ana

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