Chapter 11

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Bailey's POV

I listen to the sound of my heart beat matching the baby's as I sit and think about Isaac. I try staying as calm as possible. I press the call button and a nurse rush into the room.

"Yes, Mrs. Baker?"

"Can you go get my husband and have you heard anything on my son?" She looks at her watch.

"I can go get your husband and I can check on your son. Maybe he will know more information." She walks out and I roll over on my side. I place one hand on my stomach.

"Hey, little one. Mommy is sorry that she put you understress. I'm just so scared and worried about your big brother." I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in." I look and see Colson. He walks to a chair and pulls it close to the bed. He look at me. His eyes are bloodshot and puffy. He sniffs and he look at me.

"Can you hear her?" I point up at the montor that had her heart beat on it. He looks up and he cracks a smile.

"Yes, baby." He kisses my forehead.

"How is our son?"

"He just got out of surgery and he is stable." I look down at my baby bump.

"I'm so thankful." I start crying.

"What's wrong baby? Please don't cry. You will make me start crying again." He holds my hand a kisses it and holds it to his mouth.

"I just want to find out whoever did this to him." I look at him.

"I promise you baby, whoever did this to our son. They will pay." I pat the bed next to me.

"Come lay with me." He gets up and joins me in the tiny hospital bed. He spoons me and puts his hand on my stomach.

"So Kimberly it is?" I feel his smile.

"I was thinking Adriana or Payton."

"Hmm, how about Adriana Faith." I smile at the sound of that. I look down at my stomach.

"How do you feel about that Adriana?" I feel a little flutter and knew she loved her name. I slow fall asleep. When I wake up the sun is just coming up. I roll and don't see Colson there. I sit up and look around the room. I see a note on the side table.

Hey baby,

I went to go see Isaac. He is wake but we aren't sure if he is in the clear yet.

love you.

I slowly get up and try making it to the door to the hallway. My legs give out, lucky I caught myself on a chair. I slow walk back to my bed and lay back down. Just as I cover back up, I hear a knock at my door. I look up and see Sienna standing there. I smile with joy. She looks as if she was crying.

"Sienna, what's wrong?" She sits in the chair next to my bed then she hugs me tightly.

"I'm just so happy you are okay. I got a phone call from Colson and he told me everything that had happened. How is Isaac?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Colson left a note saying he went to go see him, I guess he is awake and out of surgery."

"I'm so sorry." She hugs me and again. I hear the door open and see Colson.

"How is he, baby?" I look at him and he walks over to the other side of the bed, kneels next to me, and holds my hand.

"Well, he was wake and talking but he started having seizures because of the swelling in his brain. They ask if they could put him in an induced coma to help him and I agreed." I feel the tears fill my eyes.

"Baby, don't cry. You can't put the baby under stress. This is better than us having to plan a funeral. Let's be thankful that our son is here alive." I nod my head. Sienna and Colson both sit with me until later in the morning when they choose to release me. Colson goes home and brings me other clothes. Once I'm ready to go, I try to prepare myself to see my son. Colson and Sienna help me upstairs to the ICU where Isaac is. Once we get to the door, I stand out side of it for about 5 minutes just make sure that I'm ready to see him. I slowly walk into the room, I hear the sound of the machine that make sure he doesn't slip away from us. I turn the corner and see him connected to wires and tubes. He doesn't look like Isaac. I try not to cry, I just grab tighter to Colson.

"Seeing him like this, reminds me of when he was little.and in the incubator." I look up at Colson.

"I know."

"Why is this happening to us again? I mean what did we do wrong?" I sit on the chair next to his bed. I grab is hand.

"You're having a baby sister, Isaac. We are naming her Adriana." I wish I could hear a respone from him. I just hope he can hear me.

"Bailey, let's go home. You need rest." Colson helps me out of the hospital and into the car. The whole way is silent. Once we are home, Casie is waiting for us in the living room. I just look at her and retreat to my room locking the door behind me. I fall back on the bed. I hear a knock on the door.

'"Bailey, the police want to talk to us."

"I don't care. You can talk to them. Tell them I'm tired." I hear him walk down the stairs.

I just sit in bed and cry. That is all I could do. I just think about everything and how the people who did this need to pay. I go to my purse and remember that I had Isaac's phone. I decide to look through it. I see 4 missed calls and 10 unread text messages all from Isabel. Shit, Isabel is supposed to be here this weekend to start school. I choose to call her. I press dial and listen to the connection.

"Hello, Isaac?" I hear her strong french accent on the other end of the line"Hello, Isabel. This isn't Isaac, this is his mother." I try to hold back my tears.

"Hello, Mrs. Baker. Where is Isaac?"

"Well, about that. Isabel, Isaac was in accdent last night. He is in the hospital." There is a slience on the phone.

"What? Is he okay?" I let out a sigh.

"We don't know, hunny." I hear her start crying then the phone goes dead. I just set his phone on the table next to my bed and beginning crying again. This is worst than when he was born and the car accdent. More the fact I was just a few feet away when it happened. I soon fall asleep and wake up to Colson opening up our bed room door with his key. I watch him as we walks around our dark room. He strips down to his Ethika boxers and heads into our bathroom. I hear him run the water in the shower then a loud bang then another causing me to jump. I slowly get out of bed and walk up to our bathroom door. I knock and slowly walk in. I see Colson leaning on the counter and look over to the wall where the toilet sits and see two big holes in the wall.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." He looks at me.

"No, I was already up." I walk up to him and grab his hand. I kiss it.

"We can't blame ourselves for this." He grabs and hugs me tightly which cause Adriana to kick.

"I know. It's just so hard not too."

"We just need to pray. This isn't the first time God has tested us." I kiss him.

"Just when everything was going good."

"Our son will be okay. Now come to bed, my love." I grab his hand and lead him to our bed. We get and just lay there. I know what is on both of our mind. How WILL we get threw this.


Finally glad I updated! Anyway I hope you enjoyed! BTW EST Fest is in 4 days!!!!!

See you guys there!

Xoxo Ana

P.S. I'm will to give a 2 day ticket to EST Fest!!! Message me!

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