Chapter 3

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Isaac's POV

I wake up to the sounds of my mother's voice singing in the hallway. I rub my eyes and check my phone. Holy shit. It's 1. I decided to get up and get dressed. I put on a pair of black ripped up jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of chucks. I stare at myself. I look just like him everything even the way I dress. I look at the lace up sticker on my mirror. I am him. I see my father standing in the doorway of my room. 

"Can we talk?" I look at him. It's like staring in a mirror. I sit down on my bed.

"Sure." He joins me

"I know, your not the biggest fan of me. But you still are my only son. I love you more then anything in the whole word next to Casie and your mother."

"I love you too. I just feel like everyone wants me to be you and thats not who I am." I look down at my shoes

"Fuck what people expect you to be. Be who you want to be." He puts his arm around my shoulders.

"I know, it's hard when most of my school is a fan of you." He laughs

"I'm sorry. Your mother and I offered private school."

"I know, just sucks." 

"Last night, when you od. I was scared shitless. I honestly don't know how I would be able to go on with out you. Just like when you were born, I prayed to god that night that you and your mom would pull through. I cried so much that night and what hurt more than anything was the fact I couldn't hold you." I look at him.

"I love you dad. I'm sorry I haven't been the best son...It's just hard with you not being around when I was younger."

"I know, and I try making that up to you everyday." He hugs me, I think it might be time to forgive......


It's back!!!! I'm hoping to update this every sunday from now on:)

xoxo Ana

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