Chapter 10

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Bailey's POV

I hear gun shots and I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I watch as people run one of them being Colson. Casie and I hold hands as we jog to find out what happened. Being pregnant made it hard to run. I keep praying it isn't Isaac. As we slow turn the corner, I see Colson on the ground, holding Isaac's head and covered in blood. I scream as Casie tries to hold me back. I fall to the ground as I continue screaming. I hear the sound of sirens but they are still in the distance. I cry as Casie holds me.

Colson's POV

As I finish my kiss with Bailey, I hear gun shots causing me to start running towards the noise. Something in my brain told me it was Isaac but I didn't want to believe it till I saw Isaac bloody on ground.  I run straight towards him and hold his head up as I try to put pressure on his wounds as blood keeps coming up.

"Call 911!" I scream at a someone standing by. I hear the response they are on their way. I look down at Isaac and try not to cry as I look into his terrified eyes. I look over when I hear Bailey scream. "Casie hold Bailey back." I keep trying my hardest to not to cry but I finally couldn't. I look at him. "Isaac, you are going to be okay. Just keep your eyes open." as I see his eyes closing. I see the lights of the ambulance and everything goes in slow motion. It is like I stepped out of my body and was watching everything happen. I see the cops pull me off Isaac and the emts put him on a stretcher and put him in the back. The cops let go of me as I look at myself covered in my son's blood. As I sit there in shock, I slowly walk up to Bailey and pick her up off the ground. I look at Casie. "Drive, now." She tries holding it together and she does a good job as we rush towards the Esculated. I hope in the back as Bailey keeps screaming and cry. I just hold her and whisper in her ear, "Baby, it's gonna be okay. He is going to be okay. Let's pray." I grab her hand and start praying.

"God, please let my son live through this. Please don't take him now. Please. If you are going to take anyone make it me. Just let my son live." We arrive at the hospital, I run through the er doors and go to the lady behind the bulletproof glass. 

"Isaac..Where is my son?!" I look at her as Bailey and Casie slow walk in.

'Sir, I need to calm down."

"Where the fuck is my son?!" I pound on the glass.

"Sir, if you don't step back I will call sercuity." I take off the sweatshirt that was hinding my shirt covered in Isaac's blood.

"Lady, I'm covered in my son's blood. Tell me where the fuck he is!" I pound again.

"Sir, please sit."

"I want to see my son!" 

"Sir, you aren't the first person from a shooting victum's family I have seen today. You need to sit down. I will check in the back." She points at the chair next to Bailey. I hit the glass again and sit down. I look at everyone in the ER. Bailey grabs tight to me as soon as I sit down. I look at Casie.

"Can you call the family?" I look at her as she nods her head and walks out to call them. I hold Bailey as a doctor in surgery gear walks out.

"Family of Isaac Baker." I jump up and slowly pick Bailey as we head towards him.

"We are his parent's." I look at him.

"Please come with me." He leads us to a room with white walls and chairs to match. He motions us to sit.

"Your son is emergency surgery right now, We have 3 out of 4 bullets out and he is stable but the last one caught his heart as ripped his lung causing it to collapse. We are trying to do everything we can. He has 45% of living." I look at him and feel the tear run down my eyes. Bailey grabs me tighter and cries. 

"I will send someone in to talk with you about arrangements and the police would like to speak with you." He walks out as two officers come into the room. They talk about how they are trying to find the shooter by the descripion the witnesses gave them.  

"Ahhhh, Colson." I look down at Bailey as holds her tiny baby bump. I look at her and can tell she is in pain. I call for a doctor as she screams in pain. They bring her a wheel chair and wheel her into a room as I follow. The nurse starts asking me questions as Bailey lays on the bed as the attach her to equipment. 

"How fall along in her prenancy is she?" 

"Ugh, I like about 4 months"

"Has she every had a miscarriage before?"

"Not that I know of." I look at them and in all mess about Isaac, I had totally forgotten about our baby inside of her.

"Okay, we are going to do an ultrasound to check. The equipment isn't detaching the baby's heart beat." I just slide back in my chair and scream. 

"WHY GOD?! DO YOU PLAN ON TAKEN BOTH OF MY CHILDREN FROM ME?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU! TAKE ME NOT THEM." I start crying again as two nurse help me out of the room and back to the white waiting room where the family is sitting. Slim walks up to me and just hugs me. I sit in a chair. I look down at my hands and manage to get out some words.

"Isaac has a 45% chance of living and they think Bailey had a miscarriage." I start crying again as Casie come up and hugs me. 

An hour passes with no word on either of them until a nurse comes in and sits next to me.

"Your wife is okay and so is your baby girl." She smiles at me and I hug her.

"Thank you." I smile at the thought of another daughter but still no word on Isaac. We all sit in the room, not talking just crying and waiting. I calm down some and another hour passes. Ash runs home to get me different clothes so I can get out of the blood soaked ones. 

After 3 hours, We see the door open and the surgeon covered in blood come in. I run up to him.

"So is my son okay?'


Sorry this is so short but I wanted to save the last part for the next chapter which will mostly be from Bailey's POV. 

xoxo Ana

Like Father Like Son* Squeal to MGK's baby*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora