Chapter 14

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A Few Months Later

Isaac's POV

We sit as the doctor moves the device around Isabel's stomach. We hear our baby's heart beat and I can't help but smile. I mean this is MY BABY. My child.  The doctor turn smiles and looks at me and Isabel.

"Would you like to know what you are having?" He looks at us and we both nod our heads. He moves the wand over a bit and we both look at the screen.

"What do you see?" He asks us.

"Nothing, doctor." Isabel says in her French accent.

"Well that means you are having a little girl. Congratulations!" He smiles. He turns off the machine and cleans off Isabel's stomach and turns on the lights. Isabel sits up and pulls her shirt down.

"Oh Isaac, I can't believe we are having a baby girl!" She can't stop smiling.

"I know. So Doc, when are we supposed to have our little girl."

"Well, I know I said May 5 but we are probably going for April 21st or 22nd."

"I know my dad is going to be happy if it is the 22nd since that is his birthday." I laugh. We walk out the waiting room where Casie is waiting for us.  She jumps up.

"So what are you having!"

"A girl!" I look at her. She jumps up and down with joy.

"When are you due again?"

"Well it was changed to either the 21st or 22nd!" Isabel smiles and holds her stomach.

'Wow, Dad would love to have his first grandchild on his birthday!" She laughs

"That's what I said."

"We should go since Mike is down in the car waiting for us." We start towards the elevator. Mike was Casie's new boyfriend, she had been seeing for a few months now. Dad really doesn't like him but hey, he makes her happy and I honestly think Dad hates anyone that Casie dates since she is his little girl. As soon as we make it to Casie's car, my phone begins to ring. I see it's my dad.


"Hey, Isaac, your mom's water just broke and we are on our way to the hospital."

"Do you want us to stay here?"

"No, you can head home if you want." I hear my mom shouting in the background "Colson, let's go!"

"Okay, well keep me updated." I hear my mom again "Colson!"

"Okay, got to go." He hangs up. 

"Who is that?" Casie looks at me.

"Mom is in labor. They are on their way here." Casie smiles!

"So many babies! Should we stay here!" She asks

"No, dad said we can go home. He will keep us update." We get in the car and head home.

Bailey's POV

"Colson! Colson!" I hear him start darting up the stairs and into the room. He is huffing and puffing.

"What, baby?" I stood their in the middle of our bedroom with a pool of liqid around me on our hardwood floors.

"My water just broke!" His eyes get big and he start running around the room, trying to find the hospital bag.

"Okay, okay, we are going to the hospital. Just sit down. Breathe." He darts over to the nursery which used to be our guest room.

"No, Colson I thought Hey, I'm in labor I thought I would stop breathing." I start getting mad that him. He comes back in on the phone.

"Colson! Let's go!" I start heading down the stairs trying to get my coat and hat since it February and cold as shit out.

Finally we get into Colson's car and start our way on towards the hospital. I feel some of the worse pain I have ever felt. We get to the hospital and they send us straight to delivery.  I put on the gown and wait for the doctor. He comes in shortly after to see how far long I am.

"Well Mrs. Baker, you are 5 centemeters and if you keep up at this pace you'll have little Adriana here within the next few hours. By the way, I saw your son and his girlfriend today. I didn't know if you guys knew yet but you are having a granddaughter. I'll be back in so we can give you some medicine to take the edge off." He walks out.

"Can you believe it, we are having a granddaughter." He smiles with joy. I want to be happy but this pain is unbearable. I try putting my long brown hair into a messy bun as I suck on ice chips. I keep squeezing, Colson's hand as we sit and wait.

"Where is this fucking doctor?! I can't take this pain." I start getting mad.

"Baby, just breathe. You can do this."

"I CAN'T BREATH,COLSON. I'M PUSHING A WATERMELON OUT OF A HOLE THE SIZE OF A LEMON! DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN. YOU CAN SIT HERE AND DO THIS." I scream and Colson then just break down and cry. He just sits there and holds my hand.

Finally after 20 minutes or so, the doctor start my medicine and I feel better almost instantly. I just lay in the bed and watch TV.

"Baby, would you like me to call the family?"

"That would be wonderful, Colson. Thank you." I smile as he leans down for a kiss and heads out the hallway. I eat my ice chips for the next hour or so as family comes into see me until the doctor has to come in and check me again.

"Okay, Bailey, you are 10 centimeters. I think your are ready to push. So let me get changed and will wish little miss Adriana, happy birthday." He walks out and I look at Colson.

"Can you believe we are having another baby." I smile at him.

"No, but I'm glad we are. She is going to be perfect." I start crying. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I just love you so much. I'm glad everything that has happened in our lives did. I couldn't imagine it any other way. I don't ever want this to end." He kisses me.

"I love you, Bailey. I will never hurt you again. I love you so much. I couldn't do anything or have had the success that I have without." The doctor walks in with Sienna behind him. She hugs me.

"I'm so glad you could make it!"

"I wouldn't miss my newest god baby's birth for the world." Sienna grabs one hand and Colson grabs the other as I start to push. I feel alot of pressure but not a lot of pain. I hear Colson telling me to push and Sienna smiling. After a few mintues of pushing, I hear the doctors voice.

"One big push, Bailey." I give it all I had and lean back as I hear my baby girl start crying. Both Sienna and Colson start crying as they place her on my chest. She was so beautiful, she looked so much like me. More than Isaac does. The nurse takes her and cleans her up. Sienna heads out to tell the rest of the family and Colson and I are moved to another room. We both sit in the bed when the nurse wheels Adriana in. She was our healthy 6 pound girl who was just perfect. I couldn't be more happy. Colson looks at her and I can tell she is going to be a daddy's girl just like her sister.


Finally updated! Sorry to say but I'm thinking about ending this soon! And just for warning you guys, the next chapter Bailey is going to get some heartbreaking and life changing news.

xoxo Ana

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