Chapter 6

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Okay, since I keeping getting comments from people about this. I'm going to ruin this chapter for everyone by explaining that the girl Isaac is with is on vacation with her family from France. SHE IS NOT JAMAICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you would read on before commenting then you would know that she is. Even if she was Jamaican if I want to to speak French then she is going to speak French since it is MY story. Sorry about this rant but I am so sick of getting these comments

xoxo Ana


Bailey's POV 

"Sienna, I'm pregnant." I whisper into the phone as Colson takes a shower. 

"No way. This sounds so like what happen 17 years ago." 

"I know. I wasn't even planning on another baby." 

"Are you guys still in Jamaica?" 

"Yeah. We are leaving in 2 days because Isaac has his state game." 

"Thanks for reminding me, I couldn't miss my god son's first state game." I hear the shower stop. 

"I gotta go, I think I'll tell him now." I smile and look at my stomach. 

"When you get back we are going for coffee." I hang up the phone and lay back on the bed holding my stomach. I see Colson walk out of the shower with just a towel hanging off his hips. 

"Oo, my husband is looking might fine." I smile and look him up and down. 

"You want this?" I nod my head and he walks and joins me on the bed. He starts kissing and softly touching me. I moan and I remember the baby sitting in my stomach. 

"Colson, wait, I need to tell you something." He looks up from kissing my chest. 


" I'm pregnant" I bite my lip waiting for his response. His mouth drops a bit. 

"Really?" I nod my head and smile. 

"Oh baby." He kisses me softly and they it gets more intense. 

"I love you, Bailey." He looks at my flat stomach with faint stretch marks from when I was pregnant with Isaac. 

"I love you too little baby" He kisses my stomach. 

"Let's tell everyone tonight at family dinner."  

Isaac's POV 

I sit on the beach just outside of Isabel's room waiting for her to change. Since I met this girl a few days ago she is all I could think about especially the fact she looks just like Kylie Jenner which is huge turn on. I hear the screen door open and look up from my phone. There stood Isabel in one of the tiniest bikinis I have ever seen. It had two sunflowers on the top which drew even more attention to her perfect chest. Her long brown hair was wavy and she looked like a Victoria's secert model.  

"How do I look?" My mouth is open and I try to think of something to say. 

"G..g..great" I just stare. 

"You don't like? I go change." She says in the sexiest french accent ever. 

"Oh, no, please don't. I do like it." I smile at her. 

"Okay, let us swim." We race to the water and I pick her up and toss her in the water. When she sufaces her make up and hair is ruined. 

"Isaac, jerk. I work so hard on this. You just make me look stupid." I walk over to her. Her broke English is so sexy. 

"You look fine, Isabel." I smile and her lips meet mine.  


"Yes, come have dinner with my family tonight." I hold her close to me. 

"okay." I smile and kiss her forehead. 

4 hours later

"Isaac Colson, you need to be ready in 5 minute or you're not coming." I hear my mom bang on my door.  

"Okay, mom." I shout back. I look at myself one more time. I fix my Cleveland hat and walk out. I met my mother in the hall who is wearing a gorgeous cream colored beach dress and her hair up. 

"Hey, mom. I hope you don't mind but I kinda invited my friend to dinner. Is that cool?" She hugs me. 

"Of course." 

I head down stairs to Isabel's condo and knock on the door. When she answer I see her short beautiful tropical designed dress that showed just enough. She shouts something in French to her parents then shuts the door.  

"Wow, you look great, Bella" I smile and grab her hand to twirl her around. 

"Tank you, Isaac. Such a gentleman." Her and I had down to the restaurant where the rest of my family was. When I enter, I see everyone stare at her. 

"Everyone this my friend Isabel." She smiles and waves.  

"Hello, everyone." I pull out her chair and she takes a seat. I end up taken the seat next to my uncle Slim.  

"Damn, you snagged a fine one" he whispers in my ear. I laugh 

"Remember, uncle, 16 will get you 20" I whisper back.  

After we order, my mother stands up to make to say something. 

"Well, I don't know how to say this but I'm pregnant!" She smiles widely and I feel mouth hit the table and the room go silent. I look at Isabel. 

"This doesn't usually happen at dinner, I'm sorry." She smiles at me. 

"I was like Americans have strange dinners." I laugh and then look at my mother as she sits and my father gets up. 

"Ugh, yeah. I just found out today too. Pretty big shock. Oh I just wanted to say something to my son. I know this past year has been rocky but I just wanted to tell you I love you and I'm proud of you." I smile as those words left his mouth then Isabel grabs my hand under the table and look at me and gives me a cute smile. I look at everyone in my family. From my parents to uncle Slim and Dubo to my anut Ashleigh. Every single on of them has been supporting me since day one and I love every single one of them. I choose to get up and say something. 

"Well, I'm not to good at speaking or anything but I just wanted to say I love everyone of you guys and thank you for your support throughout the years from anut Ashleigh watching me when you guys went on tour, to uncle Slim and Dubo who would help me pratice for football and my god mother who isn't here for all those late night up helping me study I wish my sister Casie was here so I could tell her how much I appreciate her and to my parents who put me into this world thank you." I smile at them and sit back. Aunt Ash is sobbing after I made my little speech.  

After dinner, Isabel and I take a long walk on the beach hand in hand. 

"Tonight is my last night here. My holiday is over." She looks at me. 

"I know, that sucks. I really wish you didn't." 

"I have never had this much fun witb anyone since my last boyfriend." 


"Yes" We stop and she gets in front of me and kisses me. Just kept holding her close and we dance to the faint music from farther down the beach. As we kiss, she pushes me on the beach into the some what warm sand and gets on top of me. We don't say much for the fact she fell asleep on my chest and I soon followed.


Again I wrote this on my phone so i hope you enjoyed:) 

Xoxo ana

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