Strike One

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7:00 p.m.

The sewer lid rattled onto the ground, and stilled.

Alya climbed out first, then Adrien.

"That was disgusting," he spat. Alya rolled her eyes. Adrien glared at her.

"Seriously though. Lila went through a vent. Did we really have to go into the- the sewer?! IT LITERALLY TOOK US LIKE A WHOLE DAY TO FIND OUR WAY OUT!"

Alya dragged him to his feet. "Yes, blind boy. Lila is smart. She would have set some sort of- I don't know- trap in the vent to grind us to pieces if we tried to get through."

"Lila's too nice for that-"

Alya stared at him. 

"After all we've told you- told you- you still believe that Lila is good?" Alya shook her head in disbelief.

"Alya I-"

"Save it." She looked at his pocket. 

"Give me your phone."

"Alya, I don't know what your talking about." 

"Just give it to me. I know you have it. Besides, it's important. Lila wants to kill Marinette, so we have to get to her first."

Adrien hesitated. It was not like he didn't have it though. He had hid it from the guards when he entered the prison. He had planned to use it for different reasons. 

And all those reasons had been for Marinette. He winced. What was he thinking? Did he love her more than a friend all those months ago?

Snap snap. Alya snapped her fingers across his face. When he didn't respond, she forcefully pulled out his phone and started dialing a number. Adrien snapped back to reality.

"What are you doing!" he shouted. Alya had finished dialing and put the phone to her ear. 

"I'm calling your cousin. While you were ranting in the cell, you said something about Marinette staying at Felix's place, which is kind of strange, by the way," Alya said. She searched his face. 

"What's wrong?"

Adrien didn't say a word. Suddenly, his mind flashed back to the image of Felix, protecting Marinette from him that day. 

"He's not picking up," Alya frowned. "Let me try again-"

Adrien snatched the phone from her hand and stared her dead in the eyes.


"What? Adrien give the phone back!" She lunged for it but missed. She stumbled to her feet to see Adrien staring at the ground.

"He won't listen, Alya. He hates me. He hates us!" he yelled. 

Alya rolled her eyes. Felix didn't even know about her, so she assumed it would be fine. In Adrien's rage, he had thrown the phone onto the ground. Alya took it and tried to turn it on. The cracked screen flickered for a moment, then steadied itself. She jammed in a few words.

"Alright. I know where he lives. Now lets call a cab and travel to the other side of Paris!" 

Adrien groaned.



8:30 p.m.

Marinette yawned.

She was in the mansion's theatre, watching a movie with Felix. Well she was the one focusing on the film. Although she was staring ahead, she could feel Felix's gaze wandering between the screen and her, until his eyes finally settled.

Hurt Her And I'll Shatter You (AU Felinette Story)Where stories live. Discover now