Chapter 10 : a Hand

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"Penny." Gustavo calls out from his work room. It's a guest bedroom at the back of the house, which he turns into a mini studio, where he stores the polished pieces of woods.

"Hm." Penelope, who's enjoying herself in front of the computer, doesn't properly reply.



"Give me a hand here."

Penelope goes to the living room, where she takes a white hand figure that looks like real hand, and then goes to the work room. A little prank won't hurt, will it? Penelope opens the door and pats Gustavo's shoulder and hands him the hand. Innocently, Gustavo takes it. He pauses a moment when he realizes that something weird occurs.

"Okay, Penny. It's almost funny." Gustavo scoffs.

She laughs and she sits down in front of him. "Okay. So what can I do to help?" She asks as she smiles.

"Take my cellphone from my satchel and calls the guy named Danny Boy. Tell him that I need more supplies, but I can't go out now so I need him to deliver them to me."

"Danny Boy. Got it." She stands up and immediately walks out.

"Oh, and if he asks who you are, just tell him you're my cousin."

"Very well, Cousin Gustavo."

So she goes to his room to find his satchel. The satchel is not really big and it's decorated with unused big and small, rusty and shiny gears. But amazingly enough, it's not heavy. She's always amused by how creative and amazing Gustavo is. Sadly, he doesn't realize that. He never appreciates his own capabilities.

She takes out his wallet and his white comb, then she takes out the cellphone. She searches through the contact until he founds the name. She presses the green button.

"Hey, man!" The man at the end of the telephone answers.

"Um. Hi. This is Penelope. Gustavo's cousin. And he told me that he needed more suplies."

"Ain't he going to pick 'em up?"

"No. He can't go out now, he has loads of works to do. So he needs your help to bring him the woods."

"Alright, Sweetie. I'll be there soon."


She hangs up the phone and puts it back into the satchel. She hops to the work room with a huge smile on her face. She opens the work room door and she could smell the scent of polished wood and pink rose from the automatic room fragrance.

"He says he's on the way." She says at the threshold of the door.

"Okay. Good. Thanks." And he looks up. "Why are you so cheerful?"

"Can we talk about it later?"



It's late in the afternoon and they've both just finished their meal when Penelope suddenly takes a deep breath.

"I have an idea."

"Hm?" He doesn't seem interested.

"I know you're a fine woodcarver."

"Just fine?" And he smirks.

She takes a cake crumble and throws it to him.

"Just kidding!" He laughs.

"Okay, now serious."

"Okay, okay. So what do you have to say?"

"So I've been on internet in the past few weeks and I've logged on to many interesting sites. Like, really interesting. And I-"

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