Chapter 5 : a Mannequin that Comes to Life

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Gustavo brings the mannequin with him to Bailey Florence's house. He got her address from Claire when he stopped by to buy a cup of coffee.

He knocks the door and he hears little voice screaming from behind the door. "I'm coming!" And a few seconds after, the door is opened. "Hello!" Bailey Florence says as she opens the door wide. She lets him comes in and she gives him a carton of orange juice to him after he's sat down.

"I bring you the mannequin."

She gasps. "Really? But I haven't had enough money."

"I don't need your money." He suddenly remembers all of the joy he had when he made the mannequin.

"Is that the mannequin?" Bailey Florence asks as she takes off the fabric that's been covering the mannequin. And she gasps again. "Oh my God! It's beautiful! It's perfect!" And he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes! So much! Thank you, Gustavo!" she screams and she suddenly hugs Gustavo really tight. "Thank you." she whispers.


Gustavo has just finished his dinner at home when a rain suddenly pours down. It's been really dark since she got home from Bailey Florence's place. After a really weird day, he feels that he deserves another rest. So he packs up his equipment back to their tool box.

He suddenly hears someone crying in front of his door and that someone knocks the door. He opens it and he sees Bailey Florence is crying. Her shoulders are shaking from sobbing so hard.

In one hand, she holds the mannequin with her. The left arm has been broken and the toes are broken too. The paint is all gone because of the rain and it is completely wet from head to toe. Seems like she drags it all the way from her home to Gustavo's.

"Bailey Florence! What happens?!" Gustavo asks in surprise as he immediately lets her come in.

"Granny hates it." she says between her sobs. "She threw it away, saying that how dare I was, doing this for her. She says," Bailey Florence starts crying again. "Hey, hey. It's okay. Hush, hush. Everything's alright." Gustavo says as he kneels down in front of her and hugs her tight.

"She says she hates it." Bailey Florence says after she's done crying. "Okay. And what are you doing here?" he asks. "I want to run away." she says. Gustavo doesn't say anything. Then he stands up.

"Let's go home, okay?" he says. She shakes her head.

"Bailey, you're a smart girl," he kneels down in front of her. "If there's a problem, weak girls run away. But smart girls, oh no, they don't run. They go ahead and solves the problem. They're like, BAM!, problem solves!" he makes funny noises and do funny motions. Then he tickles her to make her laugh. She laughs and she wipes away her tears.

"Now. What are you?"

"Smart girl."

"And what do smart girls do?"

"Solve problems."

"Good girl. Now let's go home, you go talk to your grandma later and I will take the umbrella."

A few minutes later, after Bailey Florence dries off herself, they walk to Bailey Florence's home under the blue umbrella. They arrive at her home and Gustavo knocks on the door. An old lady opens it slightly. "Ma'am, I have Bailey Florence with me." Gustavo says. When she hears Bailey's name, she immediately opens the door wide. "You make me worried!" she says. He can see that the old lady has just been crying. Bailey Florence only looks down. "Go to you room and change your clothes into the dry and warm clothes, okay?" she says weakly. Bailey Florence nods. "Hey. Remember what smart girls do?" he asks and Bailey Florence nods. "Good. Let's meet up tomorrow, okay?" he says.

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